This is a discussion about how to tackle getting the docs “fixed”.

As many of you know, I started months ago to convert the Apache Cassandra
in-tree docs
from reStructedText (rST)to AsciiDoc. [1]
The conversion required both the docs source files to be converted, but
also the cassandra-website
source to be updated, to build the docs from AsciiDoc.[2] You all have seen
the results of that
conversion + the beautiful new design work accomplished.
When Apache Cassandra 4.0 was ready to GA, we used my private repo
(polandll/cassandra) to build the docs for
publication. (The new cassandra-website procedure allows for any repo to be
used to build.)
Due to a series of interferences with virtually all the people on the
(myself, Anthony Grasso, Mick Semb Wever, Paul Lau) in the time leading up
to the GA or right after,
we have never gotten my repo work committed and merged to the official
source (apache/cassandra).
So, here is the proposal for a plan of action:

(1) Anthony and Lorina get the 4.0/trunk and 3.11 branches that Lorina
worked on for the last 18 months
ready for merge from polandll/cassandra -> apache/cassandra.
(2) There are changes that were made in the last 18 months to docs (in the
current rST docs) that need
to be backported to the new adoc docs. We can use the commit history to
hunt down those changes and make
tickets for each of them. Those tickets can be listed under an umbrella
(3) There are tickets that already exist that I asked people to wait on
merging during the conversion.
Those tickets also need to be completed.
(4) There are a few tickets for PRs people submitted to my private repo (oh
my!) that should be completed
again in the official repo.
(5) I will write a “how to contribute to docs” that gives people a rundown
of how to write AsciiDoc.

We would like to merge the docs in their current state, step (1), then make
the backports, rather than make the
backports then merge to the apache/cassandra repo. Main reason for this
order is that, at least the docs
and website could be built from official repos once that is done. Until the
adoc conversion is merged,
the docs and website can only be built from my personal repo, which is a
sad situation.

Lastly, just to clarify the work we want to merge. I modified the trunk for
4.0 and made all the changes
required. (750+ files). Then, rather than modify the 3.11 branch, I wrote
trunk to 3.11 and
removed the “What’s new” folder (called /new, unimaginatively). I had
planned to then go back and
incorporate the "What’s new" material into the appropriate places in the
4.0 docs, because, in short order,
those changes are no longer what’s new.


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