Then you are reusing the same KEK for all SSTable files belong to the same Cassandra table.

The reason to have KEK derived from some unique information is to avoid reusing keys which may open up some attack vectors.

On that thought, table UUID+GEN is actually not good enough, because the table UUID is the same across all nodes and the GEN is only unique on a given node. The proper solution may require adding an additional UUID field to each SSTable file header, and then use that UUID in the KDF. If this is implemented, no additional information will need to be send during a streaming session, as the receiving end will have received the SSTable file with the header information anyway.

On 16/11/2021 13:05, Stefan Miklosovic wrote:
Ok, but this does not need to be something which is _explicitly_ sent
to it as I believe a receiving node can derive this on its own - if we
way that gen is a hash of keyspace + table + table id, for example
(which is same across the cluster for each node).

On Tue, 16 Nov 2021 at 13:55, Bowen Song <> wrote:
If the same user chosen key Km is used across all nodes in the same
cluster, the sender will only need to share their SSTable generation GEN
with the receiving side. This is because the receiving side will need to
use the GEN to reproduce the KEK used in the source node. The receiving
side will then need to unwrap Kr with the KEK and re-wrap it with a new
KEK' derived from their own GEN. GEN is not considered as a secret.

On 16/11/2021 12:13, Stefan Miklosovic wrote:
Thanks for the insights of everybody.

I would like to return to Km. If we require that all Km's are the same
before streaming, is it not true that we do not need to move any
secrets around at all? So TLS would not be required either as only
encrypted tables would ever be streamed. That way Kr would never ever
leave the node and new Km would be rolled over first. To use correct
Km, we would have hash of that upon received table from the
recipient's perspective. This would also avoid the fairly complex
algorithm in the last Bowen's reply when I got that right.

On Tue, 16 Nov 2021 at 13:02, <> wrote:
We already have the facility to authenticate peers, I am suggesting we should 
e.g. refuse to enable encryption if there is no such facility configured for a 
replica, or fail to start if there is encrypted data present and no 
authentication facility configured.

It is in my opinion much more problematic to remove encryption from data and 
ship it to another node in the network than it is to ship data that is already 
unencrypted to another node on the network. Either is bad, but it is probably 
fine to leave the unencrypted case to the cognizance of the operator who may be 
happy relying on their general expectation that there are no nefarious actors 
on the network. Encrypting data suggests this is not an acceptable assumption, 
so I think we should make it harder for users that require encryption to 
accidentally misconfigure in this way, since they probably have higher security 
expectations (and compliance requirements) than users that do not encrypt their 
data at rest.

From: Bowen Song <>
Date: Tuesday, 16 November 2021 at 11:56
To: <>
Subject: Re: Resurrection of CASSANDRA-9633 - SSTable encryption
I think authenticating a receiving node is important, but it is perhaps
not in the scope of this ticket (or CEP if it becomes one). This applies
to not only encrypted SSTables, but also unencrypted SSTables. A
malicious node can join the cluster and send bogus requests to other
nodes is a general problem not specific to the on-disk encryption.

On 16/11/2021 10:50, wrote:
I assume the key would be decrypted before being streamed, or perhaps encrypted 
using a public key provided to you by the receiving node. This would permit 
efficient “zero copy” streaming for the data portion, but not require any 
knowledge of the recipient node’s master key(s).

Either way, we would still want to ensure we had some authentication of the 
recipient node before streaming the file as it would effectively be decrypted 
to any node that could request this streaming action.

From: Stefan Miklosovic <>
Date: Tuesday, 16 November 2021 at 10:45
To: <>
Subject: Re: Resurrection of CASSANDRA-9633 - SSTable encryption
Ok but this also means that Km would need to be the same for all nodes right?

If we are rolling in node by node fashion, Km is changed at node 1, we
change the wrapped key which is stored on disk and we stream this
table to the other node which is still on the old Km. Would this work?
I think we would need to rotate first before anything is streamed. Or

On Tue, 16 Nov 2021 at 11:17, Bowen Song <> wrote:
Yes, that's correct. The actual key used to encrypt the SSTable will
stay the same once the SSTable is created. This is a widely used
practice in many encrypt-at-rest applications. One good example is the
LUKS full disk encryption, which also supports multiple keys to unlock
(decrypt) the same data. Multiple unlocking keys is only possible
because the actual key used to encrypt the data is randomly generated
and then stored encrypted by (a key derived from) a user chosen key.

If this approach is adopted, the streaming process can share the Kr
without disclosing the Km, therefore enableling zero-copy streaming.

On 16/11/2021 08:56, Stefan Miklosovic wrote:
Hi Bowen, Very interesting idea indeed. So if I got it right, the very
key for the actual sstable encryption would be always the same, it is
just what is wrapped would differ. So if we rotate, we basically only
change Km hence KEK hence the result of wrapping but there would still
be the original Kr key used.

Jeremiah - I will prepare that branch very soon.

On Tue, 16 Nov 2021 at 01:09, Bowen Song <> wrote:
        The second question is about key rotation. If an operator needs to
        roll the key because it was compromised or there is some policy around
        that, we should be able to provide some way to rotate it. Our idea is
        to write a tool (either a subcommand of nodetool (rewritesstables)
        command or a completely standalone one in tools) which would take the
        first, original key, the second, new key and dir with sstables as
        input and it would literally took the data and it would rewrite it to
        the second set of sstables which would be encrypted with the second
        key. What do you think about this?
        I would rather suggest that “what key encrypted this” be part of the 
sstable metadata, and allow there to be multiple keys in the system.  This way 
you can just add a new “current key” so new sstables use the new key, but 
existing sstables would use the old key.  An operator could then trigger a 
“nodetool upgradesstables —all” to rewrite the existing sstables with the new 
“current key”.

There's a much better approach to solve this issue. You can stored a
wrapped key in an encryption info file alone side the SSTable file.
Here's how it works:
1. randomly generate a key Kr
2. encrypt the SSTable file with the key Kr, store the encrypted SSTable
file on disk
3. derive a key encryption key KEK from the SSTable file's information
(e.g.: table UUID + generation) and the user chosen master key Km, so
you have KEK = KDF(UUID+GEN, Km)
4. wrap (encrypt) the key Kr with the KEK, so you have WKr = KW(Kr, KEK)
5. hash the Km, the hash will used as a key ID to identify which master
key was used to encrypt the key Kr if the server has multiple master
keys in use
6. store the the WKr and the hash of Km in a separate file alone side
the SSTable file

In the read path, the Kr should be kept in memory to help improve
performance and this will also allow zero-downtime master key rotation.

During a key rotation:
1. derive the KEK in the same way: KEK = KDF(UUID+GEN, Km)
2. read the WKr from the encryption information file, and unwrap
(decrypt) it using the KEK to get the Kr
3. derive a new KEK' from the new master key Km' in the same way as above
4. wrap (encrypt) the key Kr with KEK' to get WKr' = KW(Kr, KEK')
5. hash the new master key Km', and store it together with the WKr' in
the encryption info file

Since the key rotation only involves rewriting the encryption info file,
the operation should take only a few milliseconds per SSTable file, it
will be much faster than decrypting and then re-encrypting the SSTable data.

On 15/11/2021 18:42, Jeremiah D Jordan wrote:
On Nov 14, 2021, at 3:53 PM, Stefan 
Miklosovic<>  wrote:


there are two points we are not completely sure about.

The first one is streaming. If there is a cluster of 5 nodes, each
node has its own unique encryption key. Hence, if a SSTable is stored
on a disk with the key for node 1 and this is streamed to node 2 -
which has a different key - it would not be able to decrypt that. Our
idea is to actually send data over the wire _decrypted_ however it
would be still secure if internode communication is done via TLS. Is
this approach good with you?

So would you fail startup if someone enabled sstable encryption but did not 
have TLS for internode communication?  Another concern here is making sure zero 
copy streaming does not get triggered for this case.
Have you considered having some way to distribute the keys to all nodes such 
that you don’t need to decrypt on the sending side?  Having to do this will 
mean a lot more overhead for the sending side of a streaming operation.

The second question is about key rotation. If an operator needs to
roll the key because it was compromised or there is some policy around
that, we should be able to provide some way to rotate it. Our idea is
to write a tool (either a subcommand of nodetool (rewritesstables)
command or a completely standalone one in tools) which would take the
first, original key, the second, new key and dir with sstables as
input and it would literally took the data and it would rewrite it to
the second set of sstables which would be encrypted with the second
key. What do you think about this?
I would rather suggest that “what key encrypted this” be part of the sstable 
metadata, and allow there to be multiple keys in the system.  This way you can 
just add a new “current key” so new sstables use the new key, but existing 
sstables would use the old key.  An operator could then trigger a “nodetool 
upgradesstables —all” to rewrite the existing sstables with the new “current 


On Sat, 13 Nov 2021 at 19:35,<>  wrote:
Same reaction here - great to have traction on this ticket. Shylaja, thanks for 
your work on this and to Stefan as well! It would be wonderful to have the 
feature complete.

One thing I’d mention is that a lot’s changed about the project’s testing 
strategy since the original patch was written. I see that the 2016 version adds 
a couple round-trip unit tests with a small amount of static data. It would be 
good to see randomized tests fleshed out that exercise more of the read/write 
path; or which add variants of existing read/write path tests that enable 

– Scott

On Nov 13, 2021, at 7:53 AM, Brandon Williams<>  wrote:

We already have a ticket and this predated CEPs, and being an
obviously good improvement to have that many have been asking for for
some time now, I don't see the need for a CEP here.

On Sat, Nov 13, 2021 at 5:01 AM Stefan Miklosovic
<>  wrote:
Hi list,

an engineer from Intel - Shylaja Kokoori (who is watching this list
closely) has retrofitted the original code from CASSANDRA-9633 work in
times of 3.4 to the current trunk with my help here and there, mostly

I would like to know if there is a general consensus about me going to
create a CEP for this feature or what is your perception on this. I
know we have it a little bit backwards here as we should first discuss
and then code but I am super glad that we have some POC we can
elaborate further on and CEP would just cement  and summarise the
approach / other implementation aspects of this feature.

I think that having 9633 merged will fill quite a big operational gap
when it comes to security. There are a lot of enterprises who desire
this feature so much. I can not remember when I last saw a ticket with
50 watchers which was inactive for such a long time.


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