At the very least we should wait until the current issues with CI have 
resolved, so that pending work can merge, before declaring any freeze.

From: Mick Semb Wever <>
Date: Tuesday, 8 March 2022 at 15:13
To: <>
Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] Next release cut

Should we plan some soft freeze before that?

Good question! :-)

We do not want to encourage/enable the rush to commit stuff before the 1st May 
cut-off. IMHO we should be comfortable leaning towards saving any significant 
commits for the next dev cycle. How do we create the correct incentive?

If we don't feel that we have achieved stable trunk this dev cycle then a soft 
feature freeze during April makes sense to me. IMHO a need to first cut alpha1 
instead of going straight to a beta1 is an indicator we have not achieved 
stable trunk;

I'd rather not see a long testing run on the release branch before rc1. And I 
think this is necessary if we want GA by July.
So for me this boils down to… are we (and will we be) comfortable making the 
first cut 4.1-beta1 ?

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