>  I am simply trying to understand the need to put in place a process that has 
> a high cost in terms of time and effort for small changes.

It is an additional cost, but it’s not a high cost. And certainly not a high 
*marginal* cost - when compared to all the admin involved in getting a patch 
committed. A tiny extra step. One quick email is nothing. If a conversation 
comes out of it, then yes, engaging with it will take time, but then again, 
it’ll also mean that the effort has not been wasted and attracted input.

> So far nobody has been able to provide me with examples of times where it 
> would have been needed. I am sorry. I see the cost not the benefit.

Many deprecated config params and bits of DDL, for example, would qualify. Some 
CQL beyond DDL - including early authn/authz bits introduced by me - could’ve 
been designed better first time around and not need a rewrite/deprecation.

> On 6 Dec 2022, at 16:21, Benjamin Lerer <b.le...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> It’s not the first time you bring up trust, I feel, but there really is no 
>> need to go all defensive here.
> I am not defensive. I am simply trying to understand the need to put in place 
> a process that has a high cost in terms of time and effort for small changes.
> So far nobody has been able to provide me with examples of times where it 
> would have been needed. I am sorry. I see the cost not the benefit.
> Le mar. 6 déc. 2022 à 16:18, Aleksey Yeshchenko <alek...@apple.com 
> <mailto:alek...@apple.com>> a écrit :
>> Public APIs are 1) essentially forever-lasting and 2) are what our users 
>> actually get to interact with. A suboptimal public API can be annoying to 
>> work with at best, and at worst force and cement suboptimal implementations.
>> The goal here is to make sure that whatever public API changes we introduce 
>> are as good as they can be, first time around. Getting as many diverse eyes 
>> on it as possible helps with achieving this goal. Making these changes more 
>> visible and allowing for longer periods of revision maximises the 
>> opportunity for someone to spot an issue or suggest an improvement.
>> This isn’t about trust, but about recognition of one’s own limitations. Most 
>> active committers - *absolute* most of us - are indeed *not* Cassandra users 
>> or Cassandra operators. Our predominant interaction with Cassandra is via 
>> editing Java code in our IDEs. We don’t usually have a lot of experience or 
>> skin in the game when it comes to consuming Cassandra’s APIs. We should 
>> welcome and actively seek inputs of those who do. Giving more time to other 
>> developers to react and contribute is pretty important as well.
>> The mechanisms suggested here don’t strike me as being too costly. Starting 
>> a lightweight informal thread even for every individual proposal is no huge 
>> deal, surely. We aren’t talking about CEP level of commitment here.
>> It’s not the first time you bring up trust, I feel, but there really is no 
>> need to go all defensive here. No person or organisation is being singled 
>> out. Admitting that API design can genuinely benefit from user input and 
>> input of others in general, to me, is productive humility - a sign of 
>> maturity. It’s not a reason to be offended.
>> > On 6 Dec 2022, at 13:53, Benjamin Lerer <b.le...@gmail.com 
>> > <mailto:b.le...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>> > 
>> > I am sorry but I still do not understand what problem we are trying to 
>> > solve.
>> > All examples given so far have been about significant features which we 
>> > already discuss on this mailing not about minor changes that happen 
>> > multiple times per week.
>> > Is it a trust issue ?

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