No beginner is going to look for keyspace in logs imo, that's not what I was pointing at. But upon starting C* you get a wall of logs which is less user friendly imo than having a nice simple message saying you just started. Then you go to cqlsh and keyspace and RF are the first things he is going to hit. He might think 'Too mush overall hassle, I'll go check sthg else instead'

On 6/4/23 10:01, Miklosovic, Stefan wrote:
So lets rename Keyspace (Java class) to Database then. If we are concerned that looking into logs 
would be full of "keyspaces" but a user created "database" and it is a source 
of inconsistencies, should not it be somehow resolved and unified?

I think that it is just too late to rename keyspace to something else. That 
term is so entrenched over the years in Cassandra-verse that it just does not 
make sense to try to get rid of that.

Also, a "beginner" might not look into the logs at all. I think that they will 
be all over CQL trying to load there some data etc rather than looking into the logs .... 
not important. Who is looking into the actual logs while logging into the console, 
whatever DB they are using? These are not beginners imho.

BTW keep in mind that all nodetool commands which are using "keyspace" terminology would 
have to be probably accommodated to "database" term as well.

From: Berenguer Blasi <>
Sent: Thursday, April 6, 2023 9:47
Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] Introduce DATABASE as an alternative to KEYSPACE

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One aspect to take into account is that we might not go even get as far
as having a chance to educate the user. They start the thing up, see a
wall of logs and then start seeing 'keyspace' (what is that?), etc.
Everything seems so foreign and out of band to their 'normal' experience
they just move on to the next option they had in mind.

My 2cts.

On 6/4/23 9:30, Miklosovic, Stefan wrote:
I am against simplifying that so much, up to the point that there is some implicit 
replication strategy. While I understand the preferences towards having it all 
"easier", what is wrong with knowing that there are some replication strategies 
and my data will be replicated just once? There is also an educational aspect to that.

Also, having 4 ways how to create "keyspace" (keyspace, schema, database, 
namespace) feels pretty confusing to me. Are they equal? Why four? Is not it just better 
to have one way of doing that? Having 4 ways to do that feels like we do not know how to 
name it.

Somebody already mentioned in this thread that Postgres is quite complex in this. Maybe 
adding "DATABASE" would be OK but anything beyond that (NAMESPACE etc) is just 
too much imo.

From: Jacek Lewandowski <>
Sent: Thursday, April 6, 2023 8:36
Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] Introduce DATABASE as an alternative to KEYSPACE

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attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.

Haha... we have opinions against each name :)

According to what Caleb said, I don't think all new users start learning 
Cassandra from understanding the replication.
There are probably many small projects where Cassandra is used on a single 
node, or bigger projects where people
try different things to make some PoC. Understanding the internals, 
architecture of Cassandra is not crucial - they
   want to start writing queries as soon as possible and the less prior 
knowledge is required to do that the better.

That being said, we should maybe even go further and assume some default 
replication config, like simple 1, so that
creating a names boils down to a simply CREATE KEYSPACE|SCHEMA|DATABASE|NAMESPACE 

- - -- --- ----- -------- -------------
Jacek Lewandowski

czw., 6 kwi 2023 o 04:09 guo Maxwell 
<<>> napisał(a):
either KEYSPACE or DATABASE or SCHEMA is better than NAMESPACE
NAMESPACE is always used in hbase which is a table store in my mind.
For existing users, NAMESPACE may take some time to be accepted. For hbase and 
cassandra users, it may be necessary to mix the corresponding terms.
  From the terminology standard of the database, DATABASE or SCHAME may be 
better , for terminology standard of the nosql database (cassandra), KESYACEP 
is better.

Caleb Rackliffe <<>> 
于2023年4月6日周四 07:09写道:
KEYSPACE isn’t a terrible name for a namespace that also configures how keys 
are replicated. NAMESPACE is accurate but not comprehensive. DATABASE doesn’t 
seem to have the advantages of either.

I’m neutral on NAMESPACE and slightly -1 on DATABASE. It’s hard for me to 
believe KEYSPACE is really a stumbling block for new users, especially when it 
connotes something those users should understand about them (the replication 

On Apr 5, 2023, at 4:16 AM, Aleksey Yeshchenko 
<<>> wrote:

FYI we support SCHEMA as an alias to KEYSPACE today (have since always). Can 

On 4 Apr 2023, at 19:23, Henrik Ingo 
<<>> wrote:

I find the Postgres terminology overly complex. Where most SQL databases will 
have several *databases*, each containing several *tables*, in Postgres we have 
namespaces, databases, schemas and tables...

Oracle seems to also use the words database, schema and tables. I don't know if 
it has namespaces.

Ah, ok, so SQL Server actually is like Oracle too!

So in MySQL, referring unambiguously (aka full path) to a table would be:

      SELECT * FROM mydb.mytable;

Whereas in Postgresql and Oracle and SQL Server you'd have to:

      SELECT * FROM mydb.myschema.mytable;   /* And I don't even know what to 
do with the namespace! */

The Microsoft docs perhaps best explain the role of each: The Database contains the 
configuration of physical things like where on disk is the database stored. The Schema on 
the other hand contains "logical" objects like tables, views andprocedures.

MongoDB has databases and collections. As an easter egg / inside joke, it also 
supports the command `SHOW TABLES` as a synonym for collections.

A TABLESPACE btw is something else completely:

Personally I would be in favor of introducing `DATABASE` as a synonym for KEYSPACE. The 
latter could remain the "official" usage.


On Tue, Apr 4, 2023 at 8:32 PM Jacek Lewandowski 
<<>> wrote:
While for someone who already knows Cassandra keyspace is something natural, 
for newcomers it is yet another concept to understand.

If namespace is used in PostgreSQL, it sounds even better to me.

- - -- --- ----- -------- -------------
Jacek Lewandowski

wt., 4 kwi 2023 o 19:07 Rahul Xavier Singh 
<<>> napisał(a):
My 2 cents:

Keeping it keyspace works for me, namespace could be cool also since we decide 
where that namespace exists in relation to Datacenters, etc.  In our case, a 
Keyspace is more similar to a namespace than it is to a database since we 
expect all the UDTs,/UDFs, indexes to refer to only the tables in that 

Alternatively interesting to observe and throw some fuel into the discussion , 
looking at the Postgres (only because there are many distributed databases that 
are now PG compliant) :
  From the interwebs: In PostgreSQL, a schema is a namespace that contains 
named database objects such as tables, views, indexes, data types, functions, 
stored procedures and operators. A database can contain one or multiple schemas 
and each schema belongs to only one database.

I used to gripe about this but as a platform gets more complex it is useful to 
organize PG DBs into schemas. In C* world, I found myself doing similar things 
by having a prefix : e.g. appprefix_system1 appprefix_system2 ...

Rahul Singh
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On Tue, Apr 4, 2023 at 12:52 PM Jeff Jirsa 
<<>> wrote:
KEYSPACE at least makes sense in the context that it is the unit that defines 
how those partitions keys are going to be treated/replicated

DATABASE may be ambiguous, but it's ambiguity shared across the industry.

Creating a new name like TABLESPACE or TABLEGROUP sounds horrible because it'll 
be unique to us in the world, and therefore unintuitive for new users.

On Tue, Apr 4, 2023 at 9:36 AM Josh McKenzie 
<<>> wrote:
I think there's competing dynamics here.

1) KEYSPACE isn't that great of a name; it's not a space in which keys are 
necessarily unique, and you can't address things just by key w/out their 
respective tables
2) DATABASE isn't that great of a name either due to the aforementioned 

Something like "TABLESPACE" or 'TABLEGROUP" would theoretically better satisfy 
point 1 and 2 above but subjectively I kind of recoil at both equally. So there's that.

On Tue, Apr 4, 2023, at 12:30 PM, Abe Ratnofsky wrote:
I agree with Bowen - I find Keyspace easier to communicate with. There are plenty of situations where the use of 
"database" is ambiguous (like "Could you help me connect to database x?"), but Keyspace refers to a 
single thing. I think more software is moving towards calling these things "namespaces" (like Kubernetes), 
and while "Keyspaces" is not a term used in this way elsewhere, I still find it leads to clearer 


On Apr 4, 2023, at 9:24 AM, Andrés de la Peña 
<<>> wrote:

I think supporting DATABASE is a great idea.

It's better aligned with SQL databases, and can save new users one of the first 
troubles they find.

Probably anyone starting to use Cassandra for the first time is going to face 
the what is a keyspace? question in the first minutes. Saving that to users 
with a more common name would be a victory for usability IMO.

On Tue, 4 Apr 2023 at 16:48, Mike Adamson 
<<>> wrote:

I'd like to propose that we add DATABASE to the CQL grammar as an alternative 

Background: While TABLE was introduced as an alternative for COLUMNFAMILY in 
the grammar we have kept KEYSPACE for the container name for a group of tables. 
Nearly all traditional SQL databases use DATABASE as the container name for a 
group of tables so it would make sense for Cassandra to adopt this naming as 

KEYSPACE would be kept in the grammar but we would update some logging and 
documentation to encourage use of the new name.

Mike Adamson

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