I’m strongly in favor of leaving terminology as-is. 

On Apr 6, 2023, at 7:20 AM, Bowen Song via dev <dev@cassandra.apache.org> wrote:

> I'm quite happy to leave things as they are if that is the consensus.

+1 to the above

On 06/04/2023 14:54, Mike Adamson wrote:
My apologies. I started this discussion off the back of a usability discussion around new user accessibility to Cassandra and the premise that there is an initial steep learning curve for new users. Including new users who have worked for a long time in the traditional DBMS field.

On the basis of the reason for the discussion,  TABLEGROUP doesn't sit well because of user types / functions / indexes etc. which are not strictly tables and is also yet another Cassandra only term. 

NAMESPACE could work but it's different usage in other systems could be just as confusing to new users. 

And, I certainly don't think having multiple names for the same thing just to satisfy different parties is a good idea at all. 

I'm quite happy to leave things as they are if that is the consensus.

On Thu, 6 Apr 2023 at 14:16, Josh McKenzie <jmcken...@apache.org> wrote:
KEYSPACE is fine. If we want to introduce a standard nomenclature like DATABASE that’s also fine. Inventing brand new ones is not fine, there’s no benefit.
I'm with Benedict in principle, with Aleksey in practice; I think KEYSPACE and SCHEMA are actually fine enough.

If and when we get to any kind of multi-tenancy, having a more metaphorical abstraction that users are familiar with like these becomes more valuable; it's pretty clear that things in different keyspaces, different databases, or even different schemas could have different access rules, resourcing, etc from one another.

While the off-the-cuff logical TABLEGROUP thing is a literal statement about what the thing is, it'd be another unique term to us;  we have enough things in our system where we've charted our own path. My personal .02 is we don't need to go adding more. :)

On Thu, Apr 6, 2023, at 8:54 AM, Mick Semb Wever wrote:

… but that should be a different discussion about how we evolve config.

I disagree. Nomenclature being difficult can benefit from holistic and forward thinking.
Sure you can label this off-topic if you like, but I value our discuss threads being collaborative in an open-mode. Sometimes the best idea is on the tail end of a sequence of bad and/or unpopular ideas.

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