> 2. When CEP-15 lands we cut alpha1,
>     2a. The deadline is first week of October, anything not yet in
> cassandra-5.0 is not in 5.0,
>     2b. We expect a minimum two months of testing and beta+rc releases
> to get to GA.
To clarify, is the intent here to say "The deadline for cutoff is 1st week of 
October for everything, including CEP-15"? Or is the intent to say "we don't 
cut alpha1 until CEP-15 lands"?

On Sun, Apr 16, 2023, at 7:11 PM, Mick Semb Wever wrote:
> >
> >> We have a lot of significant features that have or will land soon and our 
> >> experience suggests that those merges usually bring their set of 
> >> instabilities. The goal of the proposal was to make sure that we get rid 
> >> of them before TCM and Accord land to allow us to more easily identify the 
> >> root causes of problems.
> >
> >
> > Agree with Benjamin that testing in phases, i.e. separate periods of time, 
> > has positives that we can take advantage of.
> >
> Where did we land on this?
> With the following intentions:
> - moving towards the goal of annual releases, with a cadence 12±3 months 
> apart,
> - the branch to GA period being 2-3 months,
> - avoiding any type of freeze on trunk,
> - getting a release out by December's Summit,
> - freeing up folk to start QA (that makes sense to start) immediately
> ;I'm going to suggest the following…
> 1. Once all CEPs except CEP-21 and CEP-15 land we branch cassandra-5.0,
>     1a. QA starts on cassandra-5.0,
>     1b. CEP-21 and CEP-15 are waivered to land in cassandra-5.0, and
> forward-merge to trunk,
> 2. When CEP-15 lands we cut alpha1,
>     2a. The deadline is first week of October, anything not yet in
> cassandra-5.0 is not in 5.0,
>     2b. We expect a minimum two months of testing and beta+rc releases
> to get to GA.
> Additional notes,
> 1) "Once all CEPs" includes jdk17 and extending TTL tickets.
> 1) We ask folk to be considerate of what they commit in trunk wrt to
> the inbound CEP-21.
> 1a) There's an understanding of what needs to be re-tested after CEP-21.
> 2) The initial release may be beta1, we make that call at that time.
> 2a) features not complete can still be in 5.0 as experimental and not
> enabled by default.
> 2b) If CEP-15 lands Aug/Sept, then the earliest possible GA release
> date is in October.
> I feel this proposal will give us evidence and help put us back on
> track for a release train model with a shorter QA2GA period, and
> aiming for a 5.1 release a bit earlier in the 2024 year (e.g. Q3).
> If we agree on this proposal I will update our downloads page (ref
> German's thread).

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