So when a CEP slips, do we have to create a 5.1-cep-N?

No, you'd just rename it, easy to do in just one place.
I really don't care, but the version would at least helps indicate what the
branch is getting rebased off.

> My personal view is that 5.0 should not be used for any resolved tickets -
> they should go to 5.0-alpha1, since this is the correct release for them.
> 5.0 can then be the target version, which makes more sense given it isn’t a
> concrete release.

Each time, we don't know if the first release will be an alpha1 or if we're
confident enough to go straight to a beta1.
A goal with stable trunk would make the latter possible.

And with the additional 5.0 label has been requested by a few to make it
easy to search for what's new, this has been the simplest way.

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