On Sun, Jul 16, 2023 at 11:47 PM Berenguer Blasi
<berenguerbl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> one q that came up during the review: What should we do if we find a 
> markForDeleteAt (mfda) usging the MSByte? That is a mfda beyond year 4254:
> A. That is a mistake/bug. I makes no sense when localDeletionTime can't 
> already go any further than year 2106. We should reject/fail, maybe log and 
> add an upgrade note.

I think creation of doomstones is always a bug, but perhaps there is a
use case I cannot think of.  One option that was discussed is setting
a default for the maximum_timestamp_fail_threshold which I think could
make sense, since it would provide protection but allow a way out.

> B. That was supported, regardless of how weird it may be. Cap it to the 
> current max year 4254, maybe log and add an upgrade note.

I am not a fan of doing something other than what we were asked to do,
I think we should either reject it, or do it.

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