> That said I would happily support an effort to bring repair scheduling to the 
> sidecar immediately. This has nothing blocking it, and would potentially 
> enable the sidecar to provide an official repair scheduling solution that is 
> compatible with current or even previous versions of the database.

This is something I hadn't thought much about, and is a pretty good argument 
for using the sidecar initially.  There's a lot of deployments out there and 
having an official repair option would be a big win.  

On 2023/07/26 23:20:07 "C. Scott Andreas" wrote:
> I agree that it would be ideal for Cassandra to have a repair scheduler in-DB.
> That said I would happily support an effort to bring repair scheduling to the 
> sidecar immediately. This has nothing blocking it, and would potentially 
> enable the sidecar to provide an official repair scheduling solution that is 
> compatible with current or even previous versions of the database.
> Once TCM has landed, we’ll have much stronger primitives for repair 
> orchestration in the database itself. But I don’t think that should block 
> progress on a repair scheduling solution in the sidecar, and there is nothing 
> that would prevent someone from continuing to use a sidecar-based solution in 
> perpetuity if they preferred.
> - Scott
> > On Jul 26, 2023, at 3:25 PM, Jon Haddad <rustyrazorbl...@apache.org> wrote:
> > 
> > I'm 100% in favor of repair being part of the core DB, not the sidecar.  
> > The current (and past) state of things where running the DB correctly 
> > *requires* running a separate process (either community maintained or 
> > official C* sidecar) is incredibly painful for folks.  The idea that your 
> > data integrity needs to be opt-in has never made sense to me from the 
> > perspective of either the product or the end user.
> > 
> > I've worked with way too many teams that have either configured this 
> > incorrectly or not at all.  
> > 
> > Ideally Cassandra would ship with repair built in and on by default.  Power 
> > users can disable if they want to continue to maintain their own repair 
> > tooling for some reason.
> > 
> > Jon
> > 
> >> On 2023/07/24 20:44:14 German Eichberger via dev wrote:
> >> All,
> >> We had a brief discussion in [2] about the Uber article [1] where they 
> >> talk about having integrated repair into Cassandra and how great that is. 
> >> I expressed my disappointment that they didn't work with the community on 
> >> that (Uber, if you are listening time to make amends 🙂) and it turns out 
> >> Joey already had the idea and wrote the code [3] - so I wanted to start a 
> >> discussion to gauge interest and maybe how to revive that effort.
> >> Thanks,
> >> German
> >> [1] 
> >> https://www.uber.com/blog/how-uber-optimized-cassandra-operations-at-scale/
> >> [2] https://the-asf.slack.com/archives/CK23JSY2K/p1690225062383619
> >> [3] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-14346

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