We (DataStax) have a FileSystemProvider for Astra we can provide.
Works with S3/GCS/Azure.

I'll ask someone on our end to make it accessible.

This would work by having a bucket prefix per node. But there are lots
of details needed to support things like out of bound compaction
(mentioned in CEP).


On Tue, Sep 26, 2023 at 12:56 PM Benedict <bened...@apache.org> wrote:
> I agree with Ariel, the more suitable insertion point is probably the JDK 
> level FileSystemProvider and FileSystem abstraction.
> It might also be that we can reuse existing work here in some cases?
> On 26 Sep 2023, at 17:49, Ariel Weisberg <ar...@weisberg.ws> wrote:
> Hi,
> Support for multiple storage backends including remote storage backends is a 
> pretty high value piece of functionality. I am happy to see there is interest 
> in that.
> I think that `ChannelProxyFactory` as an integration point is going to 
> quickly turn into a dead end as we get into really using multiple storage 
> backends. We need to be able to list files and really the full range of 
> filesystem interactions that Java supports should work with any backend to 
> make development, testing, and using existing code straightforward.
> It's a little more work to get C* to creates paths for alternate backends 
> where appropriate, but that works is probably necessary even with 
> `ChanelProxyFactory` and munging UNIX paths (vs supporting multiple 
> Fileystems). There will probably also be backend specific behaviors that show 
> up above the `ChannelProxy` layer that will depend on the backend.
> Ideally there would be some config to specify several backend filesystems and 
> their individual configuration that can be used, as well as configuration and 
> support for a "backend file router" for file creation (and opening) that can 
> be used to route files to the backend most appropriate.
> Regards,
> Ariel
> On Mon, Sep 25, 2023, at 2:48 AM, Claude Warren, Jr via dev wrote:
> I have just filed CEP-36 [1] to allow for keyspace/table storage outside of 
> the standard storage space.
> There are two desires  driving this change:
> The ability to temporarily move some keyspaces/tables to storage outside the 
> normal directory tree to other disk so that compaction can occur in 
> situations where there is not enough disk space for compaction and the 
> processing to the moved data can not be suspended.
> The ability to store infrequently used data on slower cheaper storage layers.
> I have a working POC implementation [2] though there are some issues still to 
> be solved and much logging to be reduced.
> I look forward to productive discussions,
> Claude
> [1] 
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/CASSANDRA/CEP-36%3A+A+Configurable+ChannelProxy+to+alias+external+storage+locations
> [2] https://github.com/Claudenw/cassandra/tree/channel_proxy_factory


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