The last time paxos v2 blocked us in CASSANDRA-19617 which also
affected 4.1, I didn't get a sense of strong usage from the community,
so I agree that RC shouldn't be blocked but this can get fixed before
GA.  +1 from me.

Kind Regards,

On Tue, Jun 25, 2024 at 11:11 PM Jon Haddad <> wrote:
> 5.0 is a massive milestone.  A huge thank you to everyone that's invested 
> their time into the release.  I've done a lot of testing, benchmarking, and 
> tire kicking and it's truly mind blowing how much has gone into 5.0 and how 
> great it is for the community.
> I am a bit concerned that CASSANDRA-19668, which I found in 4.1, will also 
> affect 5.0.  This is a pretty serious bug, where using Paxos v2 + off heap 
> memtables can cause a SIGSEV process crash.  I've seen this happen about a 
> dozen times with a client over the last 3 months.  Since the new trie 
> memtables rely on off heap, and both Trie memtables & Paxos V2 is so 
> compelling (esp for multi-dc users), I think there's a good chance that we'll 
> be making an already bad problem even worse, for folks that use LWT.
> Unfortunately, until next week I'm unable to put any time into this; I'm on 
> vacation with my family.  I wish I had been able to confirm and raise this 
> issue as a 5.0 blocker sooner, but I've deliberately tried to keep work stuff 
> out of my mind.   Since I'm not 100% sure if this affects 5.0, I'm not 
> blocking the RC, but I don't feel comfortable putting a +1 on a release that 
> I'm at least 80% certain contains a process-crashing bug.
> I have a simple 4.1 patch in CASSANDRA-19668, but I haven't landed a commit 
> in several years and I have zero recollection of the entire process of 
> getting it in, nor have I spent any time writing unit or dtests in the C* 
> repo.  I ran a test of 160MM LWTs over several hours with my 4.1 branch and 
> didn't hit any issues, but my client ran for weeks without hitting it so it's 
> hard to say if I've actually addressed the problem, as it's a rare race 
> condition.  Fwiw, I don't need to be the one to handle CASSANDRA-19668, so if 
> someone wants to address it before me, please feel free.  It will likely take 
> me a lot longer to deal with than someone more involved with the process, and 
> I'd want 2 sets of eyes on it anyways given what I already mentioned 
> previously about committing and testing.
> Jon
> On Tue, Jun 25, 2024 at 2:53 PM Mick Semb Wever <> wrote:
>> .
>>> Proposing the test build of Cassandra 5.0-rc1 for release.
>>> sha1: b43f0b2e9f4cb5105764ef9cf4ece404a740539a
>>> Git:
>>> Maven Artifacts: 
>> The three green CI runs for this are
>> -
>> -
>> -

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