On Apr 12, 2007, at 3:03 PM, Adrian Wiesmann wrote:
My problem is less in dual licencing our changes than in integrating the DataViews (which is Apache licence) into our own tool (which is GPL). But
as far as I see nobody from Cayenne has a problem with us doing so and
therefor I suggest that we integrate the DataView code into our own
project (because this is easier for us to work on them) and when merging our changes with Cayenne we licence our changes under the Apache licence.


It would be very nice if we can get this going, but let's see if we have all possible pitfalls covered.

There will be a one-time formality - all developers who will be working on the code will need to send the CLA forms [1] to the ASF, and also if the development is financed by your company, the company will need to send a corporate CLA (also [1]). I don't expect this to be a showstopper, but we need to discuss the following item.

Per recent discussion on Apache Legal list [2], it is NOT OK to take Apache code and strip the license headers from it and relicense them as GPL. Same goes for old ObjectStyle releases of DataViews (as ObjectStyle license was an Apache license clone). The GPL/Apache license incompatibility hurts everybody, but that's how things are until ASF and FSF work it out :-(

So - is there any way you can continue using Apache-licensed DataViews (as a library dependency or something? I am not a big expert on GPL limitations)? This should be easier from the technical POV as well, as you won't need to fork and resubmit patches to keep Cayenne in sync.


[1] http://apache.org/licenses/
[2] http://tinyurl.com/2n8ft7

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