On May 30, 2007, at 8:04 AM, Lachlan Deck wrote:

I'm not familiar with the embeddable discussion but this is the idea of DbEntity interfaces: a) you have a series of DbEntities that are not inherited in any way but for which you want them to conform to an interface 'A'. They are explicitly tied to that interface (rather than having to synchronise to it). i.e., the attributes/relations appear as they do for inherited characteristics. i.e., they're defined once per model and implemented by various other DbEntities.

b) an ObjEntity interface 'a' may optionally map to a DbEntity interface 'b'. Any ObjEntity 'c' that maps to a DbEntity that implements 'b' will be shown to implicitly implement the associated ObjEntity 'a'.

c) then there are the ObjEntity interfaces that have no associated DbEntity interface...

Hi Lachlan,

What I am concerned about with DbEntity interfaces is that DbEntities model database tables and there is no interface concept in DB world. So I still don't understand why we need DbEntity inheritance? Could you please elaborate or give some examples?

The only use I can see for it is a *coincidental* match between groups of attributes in multiple tables. So is it worth complicating the mapping by introducing a concept with no analog in the DB world? My suspicion is that it will be very hard to explain to the users.


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