Story of my life, catching things too late :)

Really looking forward to the 4.2 migration, all in all it just looks awesome

> On 31 May 2022, at 15:57, Andrus Adamchik <> wrote:
> Good catch! Def something we'd like to change in 4.3/5.0
>> On May 31, 2022, at 11:14 AM, Hugi Thordarson <> wrote:
>> Hi Nikita,
>> That's cool! I've unfortunately had little opportunity to check out 4.2 
>> lately (still stuck with a mutilated 4.1 for…reasons) but incidentally 
>> started looking at a migration last weekend.
>> I absolutely love the typed properties—one quick observation is that there's 
>> a "DateProperty" that represents both date and a time. It feels like it 
>> would more appropriately called "DateTimeProperty", leaving room for a later 
>> actual "DateProperty" (date only) and even a "TimeProperty" (time only), to 
>> properly represent the types and align with the corresponding java.time 
>> types/class names. The time functions of DateProperty won't apply do a DATE 
>> field.
>> API changes like this are probably too late at this beta stage (shame on me 
>> for being so late to the 4.2 party) but I still thought I'd mention it since 
>> it's an API that can somewhat reverberate into the future.
>> Cheers,
>> - hugi
>>> On 31 May 2022, at 08:31, Nikita Timofeev <> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Looks like it's a good time for the 4.2.RC1 version. No serious
>>> problems were found in B1 and not much happening with 4.2 right now.
>>> So, if there's nothing I'm missing I'll start the release process this week.
>>> --
>>> Best regards,
>>> Nikita Timofeev

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