On Tue, Feb 19, 2013 at 7:12 PM, Chip Childers
<chip.child...@sungard.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 19, 2013 at 04:16:12PM +0530, Rohit Yadav wrote:
>> On Mon, Feb 18, 2013 at 2:30 PM, Koushik Das <koushik....@citrix.com> wrote:
>> > Rohit,
>> >
>> > Currently I see that there are 2 sql files related to upgrade from version 
>> > A to B, for e.g. schema-40to410.sql and schema-40to410-cleanup.sql.
>> > 1. What all should go in the normal one and what all in the -cleanup one? 
>> > For e.g. should deleting table metadata go in cleanup script, should 
>> > deleting table data go in cleanup script?
>> In the schema one you should keep rules like add columns, add tables,
>> copying data (like copying to uuid column from id) etc. In the cleanup
>> script you should do things like removing columns or data. Think in
>> this way, when multiple mgmt servers are running and not all of them
>> are on same version, we want the first step of database upgrade to be
>> backward compatible to the old one which means you're not removing any
>> column, after you've upgraded all mgmt server you are free to cleanup
>> and remove any column, copy any data from those columns to maybe new
>> ones.
>> > 2. What is the order in which the scripts will be executed? Upgrade 
>> > followed by corresponding cleanup for each version? OR is it like call all 
>> > upgrades for all versions followed by all cleanup scripts?
>> At present, all create schemas are called first and cleanup is done
>> only at the end. We'll have the same way for 4.1 but starting 4.2,
>> once we will have the DatabaseCreator tool, it would much easier and
>> sysadmins could decide how they want to upgrade. Alex can comment on
>> it.
>> > 3. If the ordering is based on former case (in 2 above) then it is better 
>> > to combine them into one single sql script. If it is the latter then I 
>> > would like to understand the reason behind that?
>> Read explanation in 1. In case of clustered mgmt servers, if an old
>> mgmt server is running they will die if you remove any column of some
>> table it can access. While one may argue why not bring down the whole
>> cloud and then do upgrades, which is fine (and will be possible with
>> dbcreator/4.2) but not possible as only mgmt server upgrades the db
>> now.
> Rohit,
> Can you put a wiki page together on this?

In case I did not communicate, wiki:

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