Well, listPublicIpAddress would only return Ip addresses already acquired
via associateIpAddress (unless you are the admin, in which case it will
return all public ips).

On 4/11/13 4:13 AM, "prasanna" <t...@apache.org> wrote:

>On 11 April 2013 01:08, Ryan Dietrich <r...@betterservers.com> wrote:
>> RE: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CLOUDSTACK-1942
>> I added this feature this morning, but before I present the diff to
>>review board, I'd like to have some feedback on the approach.  I just
>>want to make sure how I did it is ok from the maintainers perspective so
>>I'm not wasting anyones time.
>> 1. Add an optional parameter to
>>.java allowing you to pass in a UUID of the specific IP you want to add.
>> 2. Make AssociateIPAddrCmd either use the provided IP or use the
>>existing "getEntity()" call it is using now.
>> 3. Update "allocateIP" to have a new optional argument, the Long (id)
>>of IpAddress.
>> 4. Update the NetworkManager and NetworkService interfaces to include
>>the new parameter
>> 5. Update the MockNetworkManager and MockNetworkService implementations
>>to include the new parameter.
>> 6. Update the NetworkServiceImplementation to include the new parameter
>>and pass it through.
>> 7. Update NetworkManagerImpl: Use the existing functionality of
>>"fetchNewPublicIp" and pass in the String "requestedIp" based on the
>>Long id of IpAddress (I used ApiDBUtils to fetch the object out and
>>transform it into a string).
>I don't see any problem with the approach.

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