
My instances are running with no issues. I am using Xen 6.1 host.


-----Original Message-----
From: Sangeetha Hariharan [mailto:sangeetha.hariha...@citrix.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2013 5:04 AM
To: dev@cloudstack.apache.org
Subject: RE: [ACS42][QA]Issues with latest Master Build (Xenserver)

I am not able to start user Vms successfully using the build from master. I am 
testing with Xenserver 6.0.2 hosts.
User Vm starts successfully but it gets to stopped state after few seconds.

deployVM reports success . But later on  cluster sync sees this Vm in stopped 
state and sends a StopCommand for this VM.

Is anyone seeing this issue?

Management server logs:

2013-04-16 16:21:13,805 DEBUG [xen.resource.CitrixResourceBase] 
(DirectAgent-21:null) 2. The VM i-2-10-VM is in Running state.
2013-04-16 16:21:13,806 DEBUG [agent.manager.DirectAgentAttache] 
(DirectAgent-21:null) Seq 5-1032650792: Response Received:
2013-04-16 16:21:13,806 DEBUG [agent.transport.Request] (DirectAgent-21:null) 
Seq 5-1032650792: Processing:  { Ans: , MgmtId: 7508777239729, via: 5, Ver: v1, 
Flags: 110, [ 
86_64","os":"CentOS 5.3 
2013-04-16 16:21:13,806 DEBUG [agent.transport.Request] (Job-Executor-3:job-39) 
Seq 5-1032650792: Received:  { Ans: , MgmtId: 7508777239729, via: 5, Ver: v1, 
Flags: 110, {  StartAnswer } }
2013-04-16 16:21:13,808 DEBUG [agent.manager.AgentAttache] 
(DirectAgent-21:null) Seq 5-1032650792: No more commands found
2013-04-16 16:21:13,838 DEBUG [cloud.network.NetworkModelImpl] 
(Job-Executor-3:job-39) Service SecurityGroup is not supported in the network 
2013-04-16 16:21:13,841 DEBUG [cloud.network.NetworkModelImpl] 
(Job-Executor-3:job-39) Service SecurityGroup is not supported in the network 
2013-04-16 16:21:13,846 DEBUG [cloud.capacity.CapacityManagerImpl] 
(Job-Executor-3:job-39) VM state transitted from :Starting to Running with 
event: OperationSucceededvm's  original host id: 5 new host id: 5 host id 
before state transition: 5
2013-04-16 16:21:13,846 DEBUG [cloud.vm.VirtualMachineManagerImpl] 
(Job-Executor-3:job-39) Start completed for VM VM[User|again]

2013-04-16 16:22:04,873 DEBUG [agent.manager.AgentManagerImpl] 
(AgentManager-Handler-14:null) Ping from 4
2013-04-16 16:22:08,511 DEBUG [agent.manager.DirectAgentAttache] 
(DirectAgent-60:null) Ping from 5
2013-04-16 16:22:08,637 DEBUG [agent.manager.DirectAgentAttache] 
(DirectAgent-61:null) Ping from 1
2013-04-16 16:22:09,046 DEBUG [agent.manager.DirectAgentAttache] 
(DirectAgent-9:null) Seq 5-1032650756: Executing request
2013-04-16 16:22:09,289 WARN  [xen.resource.CitrixResourceBase] 
(DirectAgent-9:null) The VM is now missing marking it as Stopped i-2-10-VM
2013-04-16 16:22:09,290 DEBUG [agent.manager.DirectAgentAttache] 
(DirectAgent-9:null) Seq 5-1032650756: Response Received:
2013-04-16 16:22:09,290 DEBUG [agent.transport.Request] (DirectAgent-9:null) 
Seq 5-1032650756: Processing:  { Ans: , MgmtId: 7508777239729, via: 5, Ver: v1, 
Flags: 10, 
2013-04-16 16:22:09,294 DEBUG [cloud.vm.VirtualMachineManagerImpl] 
(DirectAgent-9:null) VM i-2-10-VM: cs state = Running and realState = Stopped
2013-04-16 16:22:09,294 DEBUG [cloud.vm.VirtualMachineManagerImpl] 
(DirectAgent-9:null) VM i-2-10-VM: cs state = Running and realState = Stopped
2013-04-16 16:22:09,294 DEBUG [cloud.ha.HighAvailabilityManagerImpl] 
(DirectAgent-9:null) VM does not require investigation so I'm marking it as 
Stopped: VM[User|again]
2013-04-16 16:22:09,294 WARN  [apache.cloudstack.alerts] (DirectAgent-9:null)  
alertType:: 8 // dataCenterId:: 1 // podId:: 2 // clusterId:: null // message:: 
VM (name: again, id: 10) stopped unexpectedly on host id:5, availability zone 
id:1, pod id:2
2013-04-16 16:22:09,301 DEBUG [cloud.ha.HighAvailabilityManagerImpl] 
(DirectAgent-9:null) VM is not HA enabled so we're done.
2013-04-16 16:22:09,308 DEBUG [cloud.capacity.CapacityManagerImpl] 
(DirectAgent-9:null) VM state transitted from :Running to Stopping with event: 
StopRequestedvm's original host id: 5 new host id: 5 host id before state 
transition: 5
2013-04-16 16:22:09,310 DEBUG [agent.transport.Request] (DirectAgent-9:null) 
Seq 5-1032650795: Sending  { Cmd , MgmtId: 7508777239729, via: 5, Ver: v1, 
Flags: 100111, 
[{"StopCommand":{"isProxy":false,"vmName":"i-2-10-VM","wait":0}}] }


-----Original Message-----
From: Sailaja Mada [mailto:sailaja.m...@citrix.com]
Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2013 3:52 AM
To: dev@cloudstack.apache.org
Subject: RE: [ACS42][QA]Issues with latest Master Build (Xenserver)

Tried with newly generated xenserver template. Templates got downloaded and 
Console view (Firefox) also worked fine .


-----Original Message-----
From: Sailaja Mada [mailto:sailaja.m...@citrix.com]
Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2013 2:47 PM
To: dev@cloudstack.apache.org
Subject: RE: [ACS42][QA]Issues with latest Master Build (Xenserver)


My observations with latest master build using Xenserver hyperviosor.

1)      System VM's are coming up but Default template is not got downloaded  - 
 There is a fix for https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CLOUDSTACK-1994 - 
Trying with newly generated System VM template

2)      Can not view Console  - Will recheck with new template

3)      From XenCenter, Tried to login to system VM's with the predefined login 
credentials . But it failed to login. I am using new system templates.  Is 
there any change in behavior?  -  Got the resoponse in IRC - password for 
system VM's got changed to password now


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