
I have been trying to build the Ubuntu/Debian install packages for
Cloudstack 4.0.1 with VMWare enabled (mvn install -Dnonoss).  The maven
build shows success, but then building the actual install packages does not
include the VMWare jar files, apparently.

I've tried to "hand-stitch" together a working Cloudstack 4.0.1 release on
an Ubuntu system by placing the VMWare snapshot jar file into
/usr/share/java and also including the VMWare-specific jar files
(vmware-apputils.jar, vmware-vim25.jar, vmware-vim.jar);  this was after
running apt-get install of the packages I created on the target system.  Up
to now, I have been unsuccessful, so I assume there must be some sort of
embedded properties file that signifies if VMWare is an enabled plugin.

Has anyone been successful building Cloudstack 4.0.1 with VMWare support
and then deploying it to Ubuntu 12.04?

Thanks -- Jim L.

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