Also + for the initiative!

On 23 April 2013 20:15, Chiradeep Vittal <>wrote:

> On 4/21/13 3:21 PM, "David Nalley" <> wrote:
> >Hi folks.
> >
> >I've been thinking about our install process lately.
> >
> >We currently require folks to muck about with firewall settings, NFS
> >settings, network configuration, etc.
> >This makes configuration painful, our docs VERY platform specific, and
> >easily prone to mistakes which result in failure to get things to
> >work. Even the '' from the 3.0.x and earlier days doesn't do
> >enough. What I want to do is get rid of sections 2-4 of the quick
> >install guide, and replace it with - 'run this one or two lines worth
> >of commands' (
> >
> >My natural reaction was to reach for puppet - but I am not sure that's
> >the right answer. To do things right, I'd need several puppet modules
> >like stdlib, puppetlabs-firewall, etc, which is a fair bit of
> >overhread - and oh, yeah, need to install the puppet client. I think
> >Chef is probably in a similar problem space. I don't want to resort to
> >shell scripts of python - config management tools know the difference
> >between apt and yum, and can still get a package installed with one
> >declaration, same thing with firewall rules. Is something like Ansible
> >or SaltStack a better choice?? I don't see it right now if it is, but
> >I don't have much experience with either of those two.
> >
> >The all-in-one installation process I'd like to see:
> >
> >Install your host OS
> >Install an meta-RPM/Deb that either (installs everything, or
> >alternatively configures a repo - or just installs the repo and the
> >stuff I need to install with)
> >Run a command that activates one of these config tools - configures
> >the machine, installs the packages I need, and gets me to the point
> >where I'm ready to login and go through the beautiful new user gui
> >setup stuff.
> >
> >I still want to keep the documentation around, it's invaluable for
> >experienced users and more complex deployments - but right now it's
> >far too much overhead (probably an hour or two) to get things
> >installed and setup to the point where you are ready to run the
> >'Welcome to CloudStack GUI' if you just want to try CloudStack out.
> >
> >So why am I writing this email instead of diving in and solving this
> >problem? Well honestly, I'd like some external opinions. I want to
> >make sure that I am not seeing a 'nail' simply because I have a hammer
> >in my hand. How can we most easily do this? So - how do we make the
> >'brand-new' user experience much better? We develop a platform for
> >orchestration of complex systems, this should be a solved problem.
> >
> >--David
> +1 for the initiative.
> If I look at Apache Hadoop's single node operation documentation[1], it is
> considerably simpler.
> Apache Tomcat installation is also fairly trivial.
> [1]


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