
I wanted to raise a potential issue about authorship of translations.

Currently we manage translations of the UI and docs via a website called 

Our documentation and UI resource files are uploaded to this site. Translators 
can go to our project transifex pages:


The maintainers of these "projects" are all CloudStack committers except Isaac 

There are 2 issues:

1-translations can be pulled by any committers. In the case of publican, it 
could be thousands of files. Transifex keeps authorship of the translations in 
the header of the file. A file could have multiple translators (since 
translations is done string by string and not file by file).
When we make the commit the only way to keep proper authorship would be to make 
a commit for each file (potentially thousands of commits) and this would not 
solve the issue of multiple authorship per file. For 4.1 I put the authors in 
the comment of the commit like this:


Note isaachi...@gmail.com in the comment, and note that his email is in every 
.po file. I kept it there to make sure we kept authorship. (Just an example, 
nothing special with Isaac)

Do we have a legal issue here ? 
Do you see a better way of doing this ?

I would like to note that Transifex has been terrific in helping build a 
community of translators (~32 translators so far) and that most of them would 
be put off by a submission process via review board. Transifex has a very nice 
UI that tremendously eases the translation.

2-Recently a group of Omani students started a project on Transifex:

I have met these folks and they wanted a separate project to manage their 
"team" (transifex has a concept of team). They are from the CS student 
organization at the Oman University. 

How do I get their translations ? Their transifex project is not maintained by 
us. I can certainly pull their translations and commit them with ack of the 
I did ask them to translate on our project page but it's unclear whether they 
are going to do it or not.
[update]: since I drafted this, they have moved their translations to our 
Apache UI project.

Thoughts ?


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