On 5/6/13 5:11 AM, "Murali Reddy" <murali.re...@citrix.com> wrote:

>Great to see long-standing problem being addressed. I get how revamped
>job's framework that can handle both internal and external jobs with
>ability to serialize the operations on a VM will help in VmSync. But I
>could not understand how a message bus that helps in coordinate activities
>with in management server, will be used to solve the vmsync issues. Can
>you please elobrate how you intend to use message bus.

Message bus currently is used for related jobs/components to pass
information through a loosely coupled fashion within management server,
this is a replacement to a direct-coupled pattern for such purpose, for
example, the listener interface, subscribers have to explicitly refer the
publishers for interested events.

Message bus provides an indirect association between publishers and
subscribers based on hierachical topics.

>On 04/05/13 8:06 AM, "Kelven Yang" <kelven.y...@citrix.com> wrote:
>>I would like to propose an improvement effort on VMSync. This is to help
>>build better interaction with external virtualization manager (i.e.,
>>vCenter) for features like native HA, DRS and FT.
>>Since it is a low-level change and hard to describe it in short, only
>>high-level principals are detailed in FS.
>>Please review the first draft of FS and provide your comments and

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