On Tue, May 28, 2013 at 12:53 AM, Sebastien Goasguen <run...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi,
> I am pleased to report that the following projects have been accepted by
> the 2013 Google Summer of Code:
> "CloudStack: LDAP user provisioning", Ian Duffy
> "Improving CloudStack support in Apache Whirr and Apache Provisionr
> incubating", Meng Han
> "Integration project to deploy and use Apache Mesos on a CloudStack based
> Cloud" Dharmesh Kakadia
> "A New Modular UI for Apache CloudStack" Shiva Teja Reddy
> "Add Xen/XCP support for GRE SDN Controller" Nguyen Anh Tu
> Join me in congratulating all five and welcoming them to the Apache
> CloudStack community this summer.

Congrats everyone and welcome to the Apache CloudStack community once again.

> Abhi, Kelcey, Hugo and Myself will be their mentors but if you see
> questions from any of these five students feel free to jump in and help
> them out.

While these good folks may be officially your mentors, feel free to
reachout to the community anytime. Your mentors, admin will guide you well,
but one advise from my side is that you all develop your work in open from
the beginning, for example start by forking the github branches and share
your repos/branch on which you'll be working on with the community on
dev@email. If you've not yet already, start by getting the source
building it and just play around and ask things you don't understand and in
case of any issues. The first few weeks as per GSoC is the bonding period,
so understand, research and explore your projects alongwith CloudStack,
bond with your mentor and community people; interact with us on IRC, ML,
attend weekly IRC meetings and local meetups if possible :) Good luck.


> Happy coding,
> Cheers,
> -Sebastien

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