On Tue, May 28, 2013 at 10:53:47AM +0530, Rohit Yadav wrote:
> On Tue, May 28, 2013 at 12:53 AM, Sebastien Goasguen <run...@gmail.com>wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I am pleased to report that the following projects have been accepted by
> > the 2013 Google Summer of Code:
> >
> > "CloudStack: LDAP user provisioning", Ian Duffy
> >
> > "Improving CloudStack support in Apache Whirr and Apache Provisionr
> > incubating", Meng Han
> >
> > "Integration project to deploy and use Apache Mesos on a CloudStack based
> > Cloud" Dharmesh Kakadia
> >
> > "A New Modular UI for Apache CloudStack" Shiva Teja Reddy
> >
> > "Add Xen/XCP support for GRE SDN Controller" Nguyen Anh Tu
> >
> > Join me in congratulating all five and welcoming them to the Apache
> > CloudStack community this summer.
> >
> Congrats everyone and welcome to the Apache CloudStack community once again.
> > Abhi, Kelcey, Hugo and Myself will be their mentors but if you see
> > questions from any of these five students feel free to jump in and help
> > them out.
> >
> While these good folks may be officially your mentors, feel free to
> reachout to the community anytime. Your mentors, admin will guide you well,
> but one advise from my side is that you all develop your work in open from
> the beginning, for example start by forking the github branches and share
> your repos/branch on which you'll be working on with the community on
> dev@email. 

I think that the github mirror may still be behind due to our graduation
infra changes.  It's best to push to a new repo, from a local clone of
the canonical ASF repo.

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