
I am Shiva Teja, 2nd year computer science undergrad student from IIT
Mandi, India. I'll be working on #CLOUDSTACK-1778 "Create a new bootstrap
based GUI for CloudStack". I like algorithm research, web development and a
bit of system administration.

I'll be creating a new UI for CloudStack using Bootstrap by Twitter and
Backbone.js. Along with this, I'll creating a RESTful wrapper API on top
the current CloudStack API to make things easy working with backbone.js. I
made a prototype along with my proposal which can found at
https://github.com/shivateja/cloudstack-ui. This will make custom UIs very
easy as the backbone models can be reused very easily.

jira : https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CLOUDSTACK-1778
(I messed up a bit too while creating the wiki page, same as Dharmesh's
mistake. I think cleaned it up too.)
Full proposal:
Github : https://github.com/shivateja/
IRC nick: teja

My username on JIRA, review board and wiki is teja.

Looking forward for an awesome summer!

Shiva Teja

On Thu, May 30, 2013 at 7:51 PM, Abhinandan Prateek <cloudst...@aprateek.com
> wrote:

> Welcome Ian !
> On 30/05/13 3:05 AM, "Ian Duffy" <i...@ianduffy.ie> wrote:
> >Hi All,
> >
> >My name is Ian Duffy and I will be working on the the project titled "LDAP
> >User provisioning". I am a Computer Science Student at Dublin City
> >University in Ireland. I have interests in virtualization, automation,
> >information systems, networking and web development.
> >
> >The aim of my project, as stated in my proposal is to provide a more
> >effective mechanism to provision users from LDAP into cloudstack.
> >Currently
> >cloudstack enables LDAP authentication. In this authentication users must
> >be first setup in cloudstack. Once the user is setup in cloudstack they
> >can
> >authenticate using their ldap username and password. This project will
> >improve cloudstack LDAP integration by enabling users to be automatically
> >setup using their LDAP credentials. The full proposal can be seen here:
> >http://ianduffy.ie/cloudstack-ldap.pdf
> >
> >JIRA entry: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CLOUDSTACK-2014
> >Wiki page:
> >
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/CLOUDSTACK/LDAP+user+provision
> >ing+in+cloudstack
> >
> >I have connected my BNC to #gsoc, #cloudstack and #cloudstack-dev under
> >the
> >nickname of imduffy15, so it should I should be there 24/7. I have added
> >both Sebastien and Abhi on Skype, if anybody else wishes to connect on
> >skype my username is duffyi3.
> >
> >I have registered accounts on JIRA, review board and the wiki under the
> >username imduffy15.
> >
> >Look forward to working with you!
> >Ian

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