Hi Cloudstack community,

I would like to propose two developments queries if possible (see below).
However, it seems if I want to submit them, I have to send a git diff (I can do 
it if need be).
Is it the good way to do it or I have to follow a specific process ?

In my mind, I thought that first we have to propose (to be sure that nobody 
done it or the community is ok),
and then if everything goes fine, to do and send it.

Thanks in advance,

Have a good day,

Best regards,

Nicolas Foata

     1) VM instantiation : network information for VM

Goal: Sending network information to a new VM instance

While a VM is instantiated, CloudStack could also send the following 
information if need be :
- the instance name  (CS uuid)
- the display name
- VM tags
- network information (IPv4, IPv6, netmask, routing, gateway, mac address, etc.)
just if we activate some global settings such as :
- vm.instance.boot.network.required (true/false)
- vm.instance.boot.vmname (true/false)
- vm.instance.boot.uuid (true/false)
- vm.instance.boot.tags (true/false)

- A VM could discover its network and dialog with physical and virtual 
machines, etc.
- A VM do not need a virtual router
- According of this type of information (tags, names, ...) , management servers 
could be able to configure and deploy correctly VMs.

2)      VM instantiation : specific information for hypervisors

Goal  : Sending specific information for the hypervisor to well instantiate a VM

While a VM is instantiated, Cloudstack could send and add furthermore data for 
the hypervisor
coming from a new field such as 'Other options/Other configuration' for example 
in the 'Compute offering' screen.
Thus, each hypervisor could decide whether it want to process the data and how 
or to do not take it into account.
With a such input, Cloudstack will be able to use the specificity and the full 
power of each hypervisor.

1) On XCP, it will be possible to branch some pci straightforwardly (via pci 
2) To use the more efficiently the min, max memories (static and/or dynamic)

Please feel free to modify the text if you to find better and sexy application 
with this two kinds of features and of course to correct mistakes.


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