On Mon, Jul 01, 2013 at 08:44:28AM +0000, Paul Angus wrote:
> This was a completely fresh build from the 4.2 branch (oss).
> I don't use dev cloud as it's not representative of a real environment. I ran:
Should fail on devcloud too ideally.

> yum install -y cloud-client             # run against local 4.2 repo
> cloudstack-setup-databases cloud:cloud@$MYSQLIP --deploy-as=root:password
> cloudstack-setup-management

Ok, thought you were running dev environment. If you see something
like "Admin user enabled" then everything went fine. Else we'll need
to see the management server logs to see if any of the classes has
misbehaved or hasn't done what it's supposed to do. 

You can also enable trace level log for two classes in particular that
we're chasing here: AccountManagerImpl and ConfigurationServerImpl.

See #5 in the wiki https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/x/5QL8AQ on how
to achieve this.


> that's it...
> as a work around I assume I can open the unauthenticated api port
> and create a user (which I know the password for)...

Umm, the system user should also have been randomized credentials so
you won't be able to login. The security loophole here was fixed
sometime ago.


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