
Since we have adopted Semantic Versioning [1], it seems odd that we designate a 
release version before the final set of enhancements/fixes has been identified. 
 For example, the release proceeding 4.2 may contain no backwards compatible 
API changes to be 4.3.  Conversely, we may decide during the development cycle, 
as a community, to accept a non-backwards compatible change which would bump 
the version to 5.0.0.  As such, it is difficult to know in advance what the 
proper semantic version number will be at when the work is released.  We run 
the risk of confusing our users if we start calling a pending release say 
4.3.0, and accept a change mid-cycle that will bump it to 5.0.0.  To address 
this potential issue, I proposed that we refer to releases by a codename until 
feature freeze when we understand the complete scope of change and can apply 
the correct semantic version number.  I further propose we codename the release 
directly proceeding 4.2 "Gamma Rays" or "Gamma Rays Gonna Get Ya".  



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