Hi Wei,

Are you referring to #8729? If so, it was marked as critical (a few minutes ago); therefore, as I announced yesterday: "From now onward, we will only accept critical/blocker issues or any stabilization fixes" we are still accepting fixes for critical/blocker issues, and we will not release the RC until #8729 is fixed; same for #8745. Thus, we can keep the freeze anyway. Or is there other security issues that I'm missing?

Best regards,
João Jandre

On 3/12/24 08:45, Wei ZHOU wrote:
Hi João,

As you might know, we/community are working on some security issues.
Please hold on.


On Mon, Mar 11, 2024 at 7:19 PM João Jandre Paraquetti
<j...@scclouds.com.br> wrote:
Hi all,

I would like to announce the code freeze of the 4.18 branch now.
  From now onward, we will only accept critical/blocker issues or any
stabilization fixes. We have 70 open items in the milestone [1]
at the moment. Most of them will be moved to the next milestone.
Currently, there is one critical issue [1]. Which has an open PR to fix
the same. I count on your support on working towards cutting RC1 in the
coming week.

João Jandre

[1] https://github.com/apache/cloudstack/milestone/29
[2] https://github.com/apache/cloudstack/issues/8745

On 2/8/24 16:06, João Jandre Paraquetti wrote:
Hi, Rohit, all

I don't see any critical problems that should be addressed ASAP on the
4.18 branch; therefore, there should be no problem with postponing
4.18.2 a little bit. We still have several issues targeted at 4.18.2
that have yet to be addressed, so a couple more weeks before the
freeze could be good.

Yes, I still want to be the RM for 4.18.2. I triaged all the issues a
couple of weeks ago and removed/added some issues to the milestone as
I deemed necessary, but as Rohit said, if anyone has any issues/PRs
they want in 4.18.2, please ping me so we can discuss/address any

That being said, here's the updated schedule I propose:

- Until the second week of March: accept bug fixes and minor
- Third week of March: accept only blocker and critical bug fixes,
aiming to stabilize the branch;
- End of March: start cutting RCs, vote, and finish release work.

Best regards,

João Jandre

On 2/8/24 03:22, Rohit Yadav wrote:
Hi Joao, all,

Given we’re only now more available after the major 4.19 release to
work on other releases, could we reconsider the timeline and come up
with an updated plan.

I think we should target early March to give us some space to work on
the issues and PRs. Joao - I’m assuming you still want to be RM for
the release, have you triaged the current issues and PRs to identify
the must haves and good to haves for 4.18.2 ? And anyone else have
any must have issues and PRs they want in 4.18?


From: João Jandre Paraquetti <j...@scclouds.com.br>
Sent: Monday, December 11, 2023 6:18:34 PM
To: dev@cloudstack.apache.org <dev@cloudstack.apache.org>
Subject: Re: [PROPOSE] ACS

I think we can push a week or two earlier on the proposed schedule, it
would look something like this:

     - From now till the final week of January (1.5 months): accept bug
fixes and minor improvements
     - First week of February: accept only blocker and critical bug
aiming to stabilize the branch.
     - Second week of February: start cutting RCs, vote and finish

What do you think?

Best regards,
João Jandre.

On 12/9/23 17:22, Rohit Yadav wrote:

Given, 4.18 branch is benefitting from maintenance work already, I
wouldn't mind if you want to push it earlier to even say end of Jan,
and target release in Feb 2024.


From: João Jandre Paraquetti <j...@scclouds.com.br>
Sent: Friday, December 8, 2023 23:32
To: dev@cloudstack.apache.org <dev@cloudstack.apache.org>
Subject: [PROPOSE] ACS

Hi all,

As suggested on the discussion thread (see
https://lists.apache.org/thread/nyoddmwydz2t59hsfs7gf0vozlf7n434), I'd
like to propose the release of version with myself as the RM,
here's a rough timeline:

     - From now till the second week of February (2 months): accept bug
fixes and minor improvements
     - Third week of February: accept only blocker and critical bug
aiming to stabilize the branch.
     - End of February: start cutting RCs, vote and finish release work.

We currently have 7 open PRs [1] and 51 open issues [2] with as
milestone, I believe the above timeline should give enough time to
all concerns. In case anyone wants to include a bug fix or a pull
request in milestone, please mention me (JoaoJandre) on

If anyone has any suggestions, please voice them.



Best regards,
João Jandre

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