Hi Wei, all,

Considering that there are some security issues, we can postpone the release for another week. We will have two weeks before the first RC cut. Would that be enough time to solve all concerns?

I'd rather not postpone the release too much or it might affect the next ones ( and

Best regards,

João Jandre

On 3/12/24 09:40, Wei ZHOU wrote:
Hi João,

Unfortunately yes, there are SOME other security issues. The PMC is
working on the fixes.

I suggest we postpone the release, otherwise we most likely
will have a release.


On Tue, Mar 12, 2024 at 1:21 PM João Jandre Paraquetti
<j...@scclouds.com.br> wrote:
Hi Wei,

Are you referring to #8729? If so, it was marked as critical (a few
minutes ago); therefore, as I announced yesterday: "From now onward, we
will only accept critical/blocker issues or any stabilization fixes" we
are still accepting fixes for critical/blocker issues, and we will not
release the RC until #8729 is fixed; same for #8745. Thus, we can keep
the freeze anyway. Or is there other security issues that I'm missing?

Best regards,
João Jandre

On 3/12/24 08:45, Wei ZHOU wrote:
Hi João,

As you might know, we/community are working on some security issues.
Please hold on.


On Mon, Mar 11, 2024 at 7:19 PM João Jandre Paraquetti
<j...@scclouds.com.br> wrote:
Hi all,

I would like to announce the code freeze of the 4.18 branch now.
   From now onward, we will only accept critical/blocker issues or any
stabilization fixes. We have 70 open items in the milestone [1]
at the moment. Most of them will be moved to the next milestone.
Currently, there is one critical issue [1]. Which has an open PR to fix
the same. I count on your support on working towards cutting RC1 in the
coming week.

João Jandre

[1] https://github.com/apache/cloudstack/milestone/29
[2] https://github.com/apache/cloudstack/issues/8745

On 2/8/24 16:06, João Jandre Paraquetti wrote:
Hi, Rohit, all

I don't see any critical problems that should be addressed ASAP on the
4.18 branch; therefore, there should be no problem with postponing
4.18.2 a little bit. We still have several issues targeted at 4.18.2
that have yet to be addressed, so a couple more weeks before the
freeze could be good.

Yes, I still want to be the RM for 4.18.2. I triaged all the issues a
couple of weeks ago and removed/added some issues to the milestone as
I deemed necessary, but as Rohit said, if anyone has any issues/PRs
they want in 4.18.2, please ping me so we can discuss/address any

That being said, here's the updated schedule I propose:

- Until the second week of March: accept bug fixes and minor
- Third week of March: accept only blocker and critical bug fixes,
aiming to stabilize the branch;
- End of March: start cutting RCs, vote, and finish release work.

Best regards,

João Jandre

On 2/8/24 03:22, Rohit Yadav wrote:
Hi Joao, all,

Given we’re only now more available after the major 4.19 release to
work on other releases, could we reconsider the timeline and come up
with an updated plan.

I think we should target early March to give us some space to work on
the issues and PRs. Joao - I’m assuming you still want to be RM for
the release, have you triaged the current issues and PRs to identify
the must haves and good to haves for 4.18.2 ? And anyone else have
any must have issues and PRs they want in 4.18?


From: João Jandre Paraquetti <j...@scclouds.com.br>
Sent: Monday, December 11, 2023 6:18:34 PM
To: dev@cloudstack.apache.org <dev@cloudstack.apache.org>
Subject: Re: [PROPOSE] ACS

I think we can push a week or two earlier on the proposed schedule, it
would look something like this:

      - From now till the final week of January (1.5 months): accept bug
fixes and minor improvements
      - First week of February: accept only blocker and critical bug
aiming to stabilize the branch.
      - Second week of February: start cutting RCs, vote and finish

What do you think?

Best regards,
João Jandre.

On 12/9/23 17:22, Rohit Yadav wrote:

Given, 4.18 branch is benefitting from maintenance work already, I
wouldn't mind if you want to push it earlier to even say end of Jan,
and target release in Feb 2024.


From: João Jandre Paraquetti <j...@scclouds.com.br>
Sent: Friday, December 8, 2023 23:32
To: dev@cloudstack.apache.org <dev@cloudstack.apache.org>
Subject: [PROPOSE] ACS

Hi all,

As suggested on the discussion thread (see
https://lists.apache.org/thread/nyoddmwydz2t59hsfs7gf0vozlf7n434), I'd
like to propose the release of version with myself as the RM,
here's a rough timeline:

      - From now till the second week of February (2 months): accept bug
fixes and minor improvements
      - Third week of February: accept only blocker and critical bug
aiming to stabilize the branch.
      - End of February: start cutting RCs, vote and finish release work.

We currently have 7 open PRs [1] and 51 open issues [2] with as
milestone, I believe the above timeline should give enough time to
all concerns. In case anyone wants to include a bug fix or a pull
request in milestone, please mention me (JoaoJandre) on

If anyone has any suggestions, please voice them.



Best regards,
João Jandre

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