Hi Tom,

Thanks for testing this feature on XCP. I haven't covered XCP in my tests. So 
far testing has been done on XenServer and KVM. 


-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas O'Dowd [mailto:tpod...@cloudian.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2013 2:25 PM
To: Sanjeev Neelarapu
Cc: Cloudstack DEV
Subject: S3 Object Store testing


I was talking to Prasanna earlier regarding testing various parts of the
S3 Object Store integration. I've been testing on and off myself using devcloud 
but have yet to get a snapshot to work. It looks like devcloud version of XCP 
at least doesn't have /opt/xensource/sm/ so its failing to store the snapshot. 
See this issue here:

I'm going to try to find some hardware to test with KVM but not sure how soon I 
can do it. I'm interested to hear regarding how far you have tested different 
hypervisors with S3 and which areas you have concern with or need further 

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