Yeah, I am definitely planning on JS cleanup, though not for 4.3. That will be 
a much more complex project, and needs to be a more iterative refactor since we 
have innumerable lines of complex business logic to take account for in there.

I've been learning about AngularJS as well, and it would definitely solve a lot 
of problems in the architecture. I wish a library like that existed 2 1/2 years 
ago when I started writing the UI :)

For JS cleanup, I'm thinking of it in this order right now:

1.) Add unit tests for existing widget functionality
2.) Add full documentation for UI 'API' (i.e., all options supported for 
widget). This is to cater to both plugin writers and CloudStack UI devs
3.) Start refactoring widget code (in /ui/scripts/ui/widgets). Ideally I would 
like to use AngularJS for this, but it depends on how well it will integrate 
with our existing jQuery-based interface. It seems flexible enough, though I'll 
need to get much more adept at the library than I am right now.
4.) Refactor implementation code in /ui/scripts. This wouldn't be migrated to 
AngluarJS nor be rewritten since there is simply too much code, but a good 
start would be reducing redundancy by centralizing common API calls into 
reusable libraries, etc.


From: Ian Duffy []
Sent: Thursday, September 26, 2013 8:58 PM
To: CloudStack Dev
Cc: Sonny Chhen; Animesh Chaturvedi; Jessica Wang
Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] UI: New look and feel

Looks good.

Moving away from design and more into front-end functionality. Is
there any talks about cleaning up the javascript behind the UI? I
recall it being messy and hard to follow from what I recall of looking
at it. The idea single page app with no URL defining a view and a
broken browser back button is quite annoying. I think so
implementation of AngularJS like the way Shiva did it for his GSoC
project would be good.

On 27 September 2013 02:09, Chip Childers <> wrote:
> Looks great Brian!
> One request actually.  I'm working on a proposed
> site redesign right now, and I'd actually love to get the relevant CSS
> you used for the header area (faded blue).
> It might be nice to have some relationship between the cs.a.o branding
> and the product itself. ;-)
> (watch the marketing list for my site redesign proposal shortly)
> On Thu, Sep 26, 2013 at 10:11:07PM +0000, Brian Federle wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> In addition to the CSS code cleanup I'm working on, I am planning a 'reskin' 
>> of the current UI to give a better user experience and look and feel. This 
>> will utilize SASS and a grid system as I have discussed in the previous 
>> thread.
>> I created a task in JIRA and wiki functional spec, which has screenshots of 
>> what I've done so far and what I plan to do:
>> You can also checkout the ui-restyle branch on git, if you are able to 
>> manually compile the cloudstack.scss file via SASS (that will be automated 
>> in the future). I can send over instructions on how to compile SASS 
>> manually; it's pretty easy to setup.
>> Let me know what you think so far :)  I'll of course up and post more 
>> screenshots as I get more done. This reskin is only changing the CSS mainly, 
>> with minimal changes to actual usage or JS code, so it is basically a 
>> drop-in replacement for the current styling. I'm hoping to get this in by 
>> 4.3, so please give me feedback on anything from the current UI you don't 
>> like or want changed, and I can see about improving it.
>> Thanks!
>> Brian

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