First, I think you meant to put XenServer, KVM, and VMware and not XenServer 3 
times in a row.  That being said I think in all cases (somebody correct me if 
I'm wrong here) it goes something like this:

Live Migration: Request is made by CS but carried out by the HV.
High Availability: More accurately it's "recovery after host failure" because 
it's still a disruptive action when a host goes sideways, but by default this 
is handled by CS.  I _think_ there's an option to let the HV handle this but 
I'm not totally sure.
DRS: Managed by CS through one of several methods with the global setting 
vm.allocation.algorithm (see below)

'random', 'firstfit', 'userdispersing', 'userconcentratedpod_random', 
'userconcentratedpod_firstfit' : Order in which hosts within a cluster will be 
considered for VM/volume allocation.

That being said, after deployment there isn't any further DRS monitoring; it's 
only done at the time an instance is instantiated.


-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Tutkowski [] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 01, 2013 3:00 PM
Subject: Hypervisor Questions


I was wondering if people could clarify for me what CloudStack manages versus 
what the hypervisor manages in terms of live migration, high availability, and 
distributed resource scheduling?

I know it is probably different for XenServer, VMware, and KVM.

Can people fill in the info below (managed by the management server, the 
hypervisor, or some combination of both)?

   Live migration:
   High availability:
   Distributed Resource Scheduling:

   Live migration:
   High availability:
   Distributed Resource Scheduling:

   Live migration:
   High availability:
   Distributed Resource Scheduling:


*Mike Tutkowski*
*Senior CloudStack Developer, SolidFire Inc.*
o: 303.746.7302
Advancing the way the world uses the

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