
I completely understand what you are saying as I think this is a gap
too I would like to address.  I'm thinking of something a little
bigger and grander than what you would need right now so that's not
helpful, as I won't get around to doing anything for a couple months.
I do not think EventBus is the correct approach.  That is complete
overkill for what you need.  I hate to tell people that in order to
run contrail they need to setup a HA instance of rabbitmq.  That is a
lot of headache.

I was thinking maybe a small listener framework on API commands would
suffice, but that leads me to my next concern.  I'm a stickler on
reliability.  So currently with ACS AOP approach, or some listener
framework, you can't achieve complete reliability.  99% of the time it
will work, but since there is no way to tie your code to the
transaction of the API code, there is a small window if the JVM dies,
you won't be called.  I know this sounds nit picky, but I hate when
there is a situation that could happen that there is no recovery from.

Is it possible for the contrail plugin to on-demand register the
account/projects?  So only when the element/guru/whatever is called,
you try to sync up the two systems?


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