As stated, I've imported the contrail plugin donation into the contrail

I've taken the time to add the ASF license header to all of the new files
in that branch.  I think we have to complete the following in order to
merge into master.

1) I'd like to see the package structure changed to match
org.apache.cloudstack, instead of the Juniper namespace.  We only have namespaces for legacy reasons, and are trying to consolidate into
the apache ns.

2) Folks with past experience with network plugins need to review the
plugin's code and provide comments or +1s for a merge.  Chiradeep and Hugo,
you've been "randomly" selected to help on this...  ;-)  Pedro, I'll assume
that you will be happy to provide patches via reviewboard against this
branch if changes are requested (including the package structure noted

3) I'd love if we could get some consensus on what additional tests and /
or changes to the test approach are needed.  Prasanna - as with Hugo and
Chiradeep, you've been "randomly" selected to at least provide some input

Anything I'm missing?


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