On Oct 30, 2013, at 11:08 AM, Darren Shepherd <darren.s.sheph...@gmail.com> 

> I definitely don't want the setup to be done at a zone level.

Why ? That seems to me the most obvious way to do it.
There are different networking solutions: e.g. VLANs and overlays such as 
OpenContrail that assume an L3 switching topology.  For a deployment one would 
tend to choose a solution associated with the physical network.

> Specifically, I'd like to get rid of the notion of basic and advanced
> zones which would mean that you could be mixing gurus in the same
> zone.  If anything, I'd say the simplest would be to just specify the
> Guru in the network offering.

Basic and advanced zones is rather unhelpful, i agree. But you still can't Mix 
Guru's unless they can interoperate... The way for them to interop (i.e. 
minimum common denominator) is to connect at L3 in an router between zones.

> I like the work that Hugo has done, but the implications of that
> change are 2 things.  First, we only want one guru to match.  If that
> is the case, then lets change the NetworkOrchestrator.setupNetwork()
> to just return one network.  I have a hard time understanding why you
> would want to return two or more.  Even if the guru created two
> networks internally, only one should be return to the caller.  There's
> not a good way to invoke setupNetwork() and handle cases where more
> than one network comes back.
> Second, we are saying the only way to choose a guru is based on
> networkType/trafficType/guestType/isolationmethods.  I think the core
> logic should be more flexible than that.  We can first check those 4
> items, and then if we find more than one guru that matches, use the
> best one (before what I said about adding canHandle to the interface).
> But the check shouldn't be only those four criteria.  Hugo's change
> does not strictly enforce that, but it is essentially implied.
> After saying all that, if we just put the Guru in the network
> offering.  Would that work for everything?  That would be a really
> simple and explicit way to configure this all.

My preference would be for a NetworkManager per zone.

> Darren
> On Wed, Oct 30, 2013 at 10:31 AM, Alex Huang <alex.hu...@citrix.com> wrote:
>> I agree with Hugo that the current way of ask NetworkGuru to decide itself 
>> is not desirable.  It makes absolute sense to change that but I wonder why 
>> do it through capabilities.  Why not just ask the system admin to choose 
>> when they setup the zone?   When I originally designed NetworkGuru, I 
>> figured there's a difference in the L2-L3 technology deployed and the 
>> network services (L4-L7) provided on top of it.  So I separated out 
>> NetworkGuru and NetworkElement.  However, I didn't think it's likely that 
>> there would be two or three different type of L2-L3 technologies deployed 
>> within the same zone.  I figured we can leave it to the system admin to just 
>> pick which set of NetworkGurus should be deployed in a certain zone and 
>> that's good enough.
>> I do think there should be more tie in between the NetworkElements and 
>> NetworkGurus.  For example, whether a certain NetworkElement can work with 
>> the L2-L3 technology deployed.
>> --Alex
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Darren Shepherd [mailto:darren.s.sheph...@gmail.com]
>>> Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2013 10:11 AM
>>> To: dev@cloudstack.apache.org; Alex Huang; Chiradeep Vittal
>>> Subject: Re: [MERGE] network-guru-orchestration into master
>>> I don't particular like saying that picking a Guru is based solely on that 
>>> criteria.
>>> It should be much looser than that.  If the problem you are trying to fix 
>>> is two
>>> Gurus implement the same network then we need to set back a bit.  I'd like
>>> Alex or Chiradeep to weigh in on this.  Currently setupNetwork returns a 
>>> list
>>> of networks that were created.  I've looked at the code and every single
>>> invocation to setupNetwork expects (and mostly hard code) a response of
>>> one network.
>>> So for a more proper fix I'd say that the API of setupNetwork should just
>>> return Network.  Additionally NetworkGuru should have a
>>> canHandle/canDesign method on the interface that returns a priority/score
>>> (similar to what was just done in the storage strategies).  Then the
>>> orchestrator can find the best match and then use the correct guru.  Now the
>>> consolidated logic that you've done should be in a abstract base class that
>>> handles the basic cases of traffic type, network type, etc.
>>> Darren
>>> On Wed, Oct 30, 2013 at 6:10 AM, Hugo Trippaers <h...@trippaers.nl> wrote:
>>>> On 30 okt. 2013, at 02:09, Darren Shepherd <darren.s.sheph...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>>> First, I like the idea of consolidating logic.  I could see also
>>>>> implementing this as just an abstract base class that handles this
>>>>> common logic.  I'm not sure which approach I prefer.  Exactly what is
>>>>> the problem that you are trying to solve?  Without more details, I'd
>>>>> lean towards implementing this logic in an abstract base class that
>>>>> all NetworkGurus can choose to extend.
>>>> Not as much a problem as a design choice. It is my intention to use
>>>> capabilities to select the NetworkGuru instead of asking each network
>>>> guru in turn if it wants to design the network. The idea here is that
>>>> new network gurus only need to supply a list of capabilities to be
>>>> integrated into cloudstack. Like i can handle isolation type X in
>>>> advanced networks for traffic type Guest. The network orchestrator can
>>>> make an informed decision on who to give the task (and warn if there
>>>> is more than one capable)
>>>>> Darren
>>>>> On Tue, Oct 29, 2013 at 9:42 AM, Hugo Trippaers <h...@trippaers.nl>
>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hey guys,
>>>>>> This is something i had on my wish list for some time. The current way
>>> network gurus are handled is that each guru is asked to design a network and
>>> will decide by itself to either do it or don't. Most gurus have sane checks 
>>> on
>>> which types of networks it can handle, but we have seen issues there in the
>>> past.
>>>>>> With these changes the network orchestrator will check the capabilities
>>> of a guru and based on that ask one or more gurus to design the network.
>>> With this the power is where is should new, the network orchestrator.
>>>>>> This also means that new networking plugins with gurus will have an
>>> easier integration, just list the capabilities. It will also save some 
>>> database
>>> calls (once i clean out all canHandle functions) as gurus will have to 
>>> lookup
>>> less to decide if they should to their job.
>>>>>> What do you guys think?
>>>>>> Current branch is tested with devcloud in a manual test, so there is more
>>> work to do there. I wanted to get some opinions while performing more
>>> tests.
>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>> Hugo

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