On Nov 5, 2013, at 12:44 AM, Damien Mannix <damien.man...@unimelb.edu.au> wrote:

> HI All,
> We are currently running CloudStack 3.07 with NFS Secondary Storage which we 
> have had continuing issues with. Has anyone migrated from NFS to swift? Pros 
> / Cons – any tips would be most helpful.
> Thanks in advance
> Damien

Damien, 3.07 is not an official apache cloudstack release, you might be 
referring to a cloudplatform commercial version ?

I would recommend to upgrade to 4.1.1 or 4.2.0

In 4.2 there is much better support for S3 backed secondary storage including 
Ceph radoggw, RiakCS and glusterfs. Basically any S3 object store can be used.

That said having issues with NFS seems strange, I would personally first try to 
solve the NFS issues send us some logs if you want.

> Damien Mannix
> Cloud Systems Administrator
> ITS Research Services
> 317 Doug McDonell Building, University of Melbourne
> email: damien.man...@unimelb.edu.au
> NSP Support please email: nsp-h...@nectar.org.au
> Mobile: +61 (0) 481 005 367

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