----- Original Message -----
> From: "David Nalley" <da...@gnsa.us>
> To: market...@cloudstack.apache.org, dev@cloudstack.apache.org
> Sent: Friday, November 15, 2013 10:56:15 AM
> Subject: Request: Help designing a 'powered by' logo for CloudStack
> Hi folks:
> If you happen to have some graphical design talent (I have none) I
> have a great opportunity for you :)
> CloudStack needs a 'powered by' logo that is easy to consume, and is
> also attractive.
> A couple examples of powered by logos:
> http://tomcat.apache.org/images/tomcat-power.gif
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/download/attachments/80899/mahout-logo-poweredby-100.png?version=1&modificationDate=1312880703000
> https://netbeans.org/images_www/screenshots/6.0/baseIDE_ant_powered_150px.png
> A couple of constraints:
> * Please don't use the Apache feather. (we could, but lets not; it
> will make life simpler)
> * Please try and produce a vector format as source (this allows us to
> scale/etc)
> * Because this will become a trademark (which is vastly different that
> copyright) - we will likely need some explicit email agreement around
> trademarks rights for the image. (I promise, it isn't as scary as that
> sentence makes it out to be.)

I also lack design skills, but am always willing to throw out ideas :)

Maybe incorporate the cloud monkey into something where he is turning a gear of 
some sort on a machine that has little clouds coming out of it? I'm not quite 
sure how to turn that into "powered by" exactly... but just a thought. (The 
monkey is super cute.)


> Anyone interested?
> --David

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