On 05/12/13 4:17 pm, "David Nalley" <da...@gnsa.us> wrote:
>While in a perfect world we wouldn't have any schema changes two
>things jump out at me in this case.
>1. We have precedent in doing schema changes in bugfix (both 4.0.1 and
>4.1.1 had some schema changes)
>2. We already have some schema changes in 4.2.1 (admittedly, just a
>change in a view, but still a schema change)
Point taken, the upgrade issue has been fixed and the ACL ticket is worked
on by Kishan.
Hopefully, I will be able to respin RC for second round of voting by EOD

For future releases I will request community members to be more proactive
in escalating the issues and not wait till the time of voting.


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