Hi Marcus, 

KSM or memory de-duplication on KVM can only be used when the memory pages are 
IMO this is a huge constraint which is true only for specific use cases. using 
KSM to implement overprovisioning 
will limit this feature to a specific use case and hence memory ballooning was 
chosen which is more generic.


On 28-Jan-2014, at 11:58 am, Marcus Sorensen <shadow...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Yeah, I'm a little disappointed that the functional spec doesn't
> really address memory deduplication, which is the real version of
> overcommit, IMO.  Since it looks like the feature is already fully
> implemented, I'm not sure I have much of a leg to stand on in trying
> to change it. I'll just patch it out of our builds. Thanks for the
> input.
> On Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 11:13 PM, Bharat Kumar <bharat.ku...@citrix.com> 
> wrote:
>> Hi Marcus,
>> in case of KVM the guest memory is not dynamically adjusted by hypervisor, 
>> this is a hypervisor limitation.  we have documented this in the FS in 
>> prerequisites for KVM.
>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/CLOUDSTACK/CPU+and+RAM+Overcommit
>> One way to make this work automatically is to use a script to monitor the 
>> memory pressure in the guest VM and adjust the memory using cgroups.
>> one such script is Memory over commit manager.
>> more info here 
>> http://aglitke.wordpress.com/2011/03/03/automatic-memory-ballooning-with-mom/
>> Thanks,
>> Bharat.
>> On 28-Jan-2014, at 11:23 am, Marcus Sorensen 
>> <shadow...@gmail.com<mailto:shadow...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>> Yeah, that's not overprovisioning, though. That's scaling. The way
>> it's implemented now is just ... provisioning. It allocates exactly
>> what's available at the host.
>> Also, the vm in your example can't go to 4GB. There is nothing that
>> changes it's 'currentMemory' setting. Without a scaling feature it's
>> simply always stuck at 2GB.
>> On Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 10:32 PM, Harikrishna Patnala
>> <harikrishna.patn...@citrix.com<mailto:harikrishna.patn...@citrix.com>> 
>> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I think the way it was done is to guarantee minimum memory to that VM and 
>> upon demand it can get upto the memory defined in service offering.
>> Say a vm with service offering 4Gb is deployed with overprovisioing factor 
>> 2, we guarantee that vm should get minimum of 2GB (4GB/2) and if that VM is 
>> overloaded then it can get memory unto max 4GB.
>> This is what it is showing vm definition
>> <memory unit='KiB’>4GB</memory>
>> <currentMemory unit='KiB’>2GB</currentMemory>
>> "memory unit” is what it can get maximum.
>> -Harikrishna
>> On 28-Jan-2014, at 7:46 am, Marcus Sorensen 
>> <shadow...@gmail.com<mailto:shadow...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>> Its an easy fix on the KVM side, just waiting to hear any objections.
>> On Jan 27, 2014 6:11 PM, "Nux!" <n...@li.nux.ro<mailto:n...@li.nux.ro>> 
>> wrote:
>> On 28.01.2014 00:49, Marcus Sorensen wrote:
>> So... I tried to use memory overcommit on KVM this week, and it blew
>> up in my face. Apparently it's configured such that if I have a
>> Service Offering of 4G, and I set memory overprovisioning to 2:1, the
>> guest only actually gets configured with 2G. That's not how
>> overprovisioning is supposed to work, IMO.
>> Here's a vm definition with a 3:1 mem overprovision setting, which
>> ensures that system vms don't work:
>> <memory unit='KiB'>262144</memory>
>> <currentMemory unit='KiB'>87040</currentMemory>
>> Note currentMemory needs to be manually tuned if I ever want the vm to
>> use/see more. This is more for live scaling (which is also broken
>> because the guest could just rmmod virtio-balloon and see everything).
>> I'd like to just rip out the code that is setting ballooning feature
>> based on overprovisioning factor, but perhaps there was a reason this
>> was done. From my point of view, if I give someone a service offering
>> that says 4G, it should provide 4G, and if I can do memory
>> deduplication on the backend to overprovision that's up to me to do.
>> Overprovisioning should not be a divider on all service offerings.
>> Wow! I also thought, heck, KSM & thin qcows for the win! If
>> overprovisioning really "works" as you described then it can't possibly be
>> used for any commercial offering ...
>> This needs to get fixed.. Too late to see this in 4.3?
>> --
>> Sent from the Delta quadrant using Borg technology!
>> Nux!
>> www.nux.ro<http://www.nux.ro>

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