On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 10:51:05AM +0100, Hugo Trippaers wrote:
> Hey all,
> I?ve finally fixed the configuration to automagically upload the systemvm 
> templates to an s3 bucket. The jobs build-systemvm-master and 
> build-systemvm64-master will rebuild the systemvm template on a daily basis 
> and send the resulting files to that S3 bucket.
> I would like to update the URLs in the docs and in the database to make 
> master point to these new locations. The locations will look like : 
> https://s3.amazonaws.com/systemvm-templates.cloudstack.org/master/64/systemvm64template-master-hyperv.vhd
> Why? 
>   Anyone using master will automagically use the latest and greatest images.
>   Transparent process from build script to distribution.
>   Accessible logging for folks willing to track number of downloads etc.
> Any thoughts?
+1 - long overdue. good job.

> Cheers,
> Hugo


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