Hi Alena,

I answer to your comments inline:

2014-02-26 19:08 GMT+01:00 Alena Prokharchyk <alena.prokharc...@citrix.com>:

>    This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
> https://reviews.apache.org/r/17888/
> Antonio, in general looks good to me. There are some minor fixes that need to 
> be done though.
> 1) ApiServer.java
> @Inject()
> 177
>     protected DispatchChainFactory dispatchChainFactory = null;
> Why do you use @Inject with ()?
*I tried some parameters with the Inject annotation but finally I decided
to use it as it is here. Just a habit from using other types of DI
annotations. I just didn't didn't remove the () in this one, but as you
know it's exactly the same so it didn't even bring my attention. I can
change that or if you approved this patch, change it in the next patch.
Again, it's just the same.*

> 2) ApiServlet.java
>  domainIdArr = (String[])params.get(ApiConstants.DOMAIN__ID);
> * Why do we have DOMAIN__ID and DOMAIN_ID as separate parameters?
> public static final String DOMAIN_ID = "domainid";
> public static final String DOMAIN__ID = "domainId";
> The above doesn't look right to me. Why do we care about the case? the API 
> parameter is always transformed to all lowercase letters
> *Having these almost identical Strings is not my change, ApiServlet was
already using both with I and i (domainid and domainId) so I just kept it
as it is (I assume removing one of them may cause a problem when it comes
in the req. In order to create the constants for both values I just chose
these names: no names would make much more sense because having this two
Strings were already something strange. There are several strange things
like this, I just fixed a few and moved plenty from hardcoded values to
constants, but no more than that, my main focus was something else and the
patch is already very big.*

3)  CommandCreationWorker.java
>   throw new ServerApiException(ApiErrorCode.INTERNAL_ERROR,
> 50
>                     "Trying to invoke creation on a Command that is not  
> BaseAsyncCreateCmd");
> * Don't hardcode the class name; retrieve it from the .simpleName method 
> called on the class object
> *Retrieve it? This is a piece of code that was in
ApiDispatcher#dispatchCreateCmd just after calling processParameters, so it
had to be a next worker in the chain, but I kept the code as it was. And
this specific method was only invoked after checking the command was
BaseAsyncCreateCmd (or any class extending, of course), so I created the
same check in the worker. And then of course I keep also the reason to fail
in the error msg. If it fails the only thing I care is that it is not a
BaseAsyncCreateCmd as it should... so I don't understand what do you
propose there. For anybody who chages this code in the future, this error
will tell them they should not apply this worker when the dispatch chain is
not the expected type.*

> 4) DispatchChain
> for (final DispatchWorker worker : workers) {
>         if (!worker.handle(task)) {
>             break;
>         }
>     }
> * Why do we just break when workder can't handle the task? Aren't we supposed 
> to do something?
> * Can you please add more logging? At least log in trace that some worker 
> handled/coudln't handle the task
> *There are many ways to create a Chain of Responsibility, for this case I
decided to go for a one way chain (instead of a typical two way flow) in
which workers share a task where they apply  their work and pass their
changes. They also have the power to stop the chain if the programmer
decides so in her code. I'm not assuming the worker can't handle anything
or not not doing something, I am just making sure I provide a way to stop
the chain if one of the workers decides so. If there were something to log,
the worker would know what and if something requires so I guess they will
raise and exception instead of just returning false. We don't have anything
to log just because the behavior was to stop the chain. Just see it as JEE
filters where they can decide to do whatever even there is no error.*

> 4) I can see that you do a lot of initialization like that for private 
> variables:
>     protected AccountManager _accountMgr = null;
> its not necessary step as private variables are being initialized to NULL by 
> default during declaration. Can you please clean it out?
*I know. In Java local variables are not initialized, but instance ones are
(booleans to false, numbers to cero, objects to null...). But I find it
more clear to put it this way, further people may ignore or forget it,
specially non Java people helping in cloudstack. It's also something I've
seen in many Java projects. Again, it's just the same. If you think this is
not clean and should be changed before the patch is accepted, I can change
that too.*

*Upon reception of your comments I will change and upload anything.*

- Alena Prokharchyk
> On February 26th, 2014, 9:12 a.m. UTC, Antonio Fornie wrote:
>   Review request for cloudstack, Alena Prokharchyk, daan Hoogland, and
> Hugo Trippaers.
> By Antonio Fornie.
> *Updated Feb. 26, 2014, 9:12 a.m.*
>  *Repository: * cloudstack-git
> Description
> Dispatcher corrections, refactoring and tests. Corrects problems from 
> previous attempts that were reverted by Alena. Most of the changes are the 
> same, but this one is not creating conflicts of Map types for Aync Commands 
> or for parameters as Lists or Maps.
>   Testing
> Full build and test plus manually testing many features. Also including 
> CreateTagsCommand that failed in previous commit.
> All unit and integration tests.
> Test CS Web UI with the browser going through several use cases.
> Also use the CS API by sending HTTP requests generated manually including 
> requests for Async Commands with Map parameters and during these tests apart 
> fromtesting correct functionality I also debugged to check that Maps created 
> correctly where they should but also that in the cases where the async 
> command must be persisted and later on retrieved and deserialized by gson 
> everything works ok and does what and where is expected. An example based on 
> the comment by 
> Alena:http://localhost:8096/client/api?command=createTags&resourceids=ids&resourcetype=type&tags[0].key=region&tags[0].value=canada
> Also other examples 
> likehttp://localhost:8096/client/api?command=createSecondaryStagingStore&url=httpbla&details[0].key=region&details[0].value=canada&details[1].key=element&details[1].value=fire
>   Diffs
>    - api/src/org/apache/cloudstack/api/ApiConstants.java (7b7f9ca)
>    - api/src/org/apache/cloudstack/api/BaseCmd.java (0e83cee)
>    - api/src/org/apache/cloudstack/api/BaseListCmd.java (c1a4b4c)
>    - api/src/org/apache/cloudstack/api/command/admin/user/GetUserCmd.java
>    (592b828)
>    - api/src/org/apache/cloudstack/api/command/admin/user/UpdateUserCmd.java
>    (de6e550)
>    - 
> api/src/org/apache/cloudstack/api/command/user/autoscale/CreateAutoScaleVmProfileCmd.java
>    (06d86ec)
>    - 
> server/resources/META-INF/cloudstack/core/spring-server-core-misc-context.xml
>    (fd2f5fb)
>    - server/src/com/cloud/api/ApiAsyncJobDispatcher.java (71ac616)
>    - server/src/com/cloud/api/ApiDispatcher.java (ed95c72)
>    - server/src/com/cloud/api/ApiServer.java (d715db6)
>    - server/src/com/cloud/api/ApiServlet.java (46f7eba)
>    - server/src/com/cloud/api/dispatch/CommandCreationWorker.java
>    - server/src/com/cloud/api/dispatch/DispatchChain.java (PRE-CREATION)
>    - server/src/com/cloud/api/dispatch/DispatchChainFactory.java
>    - server/src/com/cloud/api/dispatch/DispatchTask.java (PRE-CREATION)
>    - server/src/com/cloud/api/dispatch/DispatchWorker.java (PRE-CREATION)
>    - server/src/com/cloud/api/dispatch/ParamGenericValidationWorker.java
>    - server/src/com/cloud/api/dispatch/ParamProcessWorker.java
>    - server/src/com/cloud/api/dispatch/ParamSemanticValidationWorker.java
>    - server/src/com/cloud/api/dispatch/ParamUnpackWorker.java
>    - server/src/com/cloud/network/as/AutoScaleManagerImpl.java (ff2b2ea)
>    - server/src/com/cloud/storage/snapshot/SnapshotSchedulerImpl.java
>    (3159059)
>    - server/test/com/cloud/api/ApiDispatcherTest.java (7314a57)
>    - server/test/com/cloud/api/dispatch/CommandCreationWorkerTest.java
>    - server/test/com/cloud/api/dispatch/DispatchChainFactoryTest.java
>    - server/test/com/cloud/api/dispatch/ParamGenericValidationWorkerTest.java
>    - server/test/com/cloud/api/dispatch/ParamProcessWorkerTest.java
>    - server/test/com/cloud/api/dispatch/ParamSemanticValidationWorkerTest.java
> View Diff <https://reviews.apache.org/r/17888/diff/>

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