Daan, if the default comes as true for the command, I assume that the user
won¹t see the command logged at all? Unless he overrides it.
I assume sensitive=³true² means not ³analyze the command² but rather
³don¹t log the command². That doesn¹t seem right to me.

True would seem right to me if the parameter is defined on both
parameter/command level (which is not how it works today). Then parameter
in @ApiCommand annotation will just trigger the analyze for sensitive
parameters, and the parameter in the @Parameter will tell whether to log
the parameter itself.


On 3/7/14, 10:51 AM, "Daan Hoogland" <daan.hoogl...@gmail.com> wrote:

>On Fri, Mar 7, 2014 at 7:31 PM, Alena Prokharchyk
><alena.prokharc...@citrix.com> wrote:
>> And the defaults should be false,
>I don't agree, The true case does nothing if no fields are recognized
>as sensitive, but it the flase case skips sensitive data containing
>log messages. The only consquence of true as default is a performance
>penalty that we were paying in the old case anyhow.

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