> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rajani Karuturi [mailto:rajani.karut...@citrix.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2014 4:46 AM
> To: dev
> Subject: Re: Release cadence
> The primary problem I feel is that we dont plan our releases.(I am fairly new
> here and I may be wrong) The role of the release manager starts only during
> the RC creation phase asking for votes(again I maybe wrong).
[Animesh] Rajani releases are actually planned well ahead. Please check out the 
Release page for 4.3 
The planning is straight forward with our time baaed releases
> I feel it should start much earlier. Everyone who is actively involved should
> have a clear idea on what we are going to release next.
> We do this to an extent by sending proposals etc. but we really dont do
> planning and the big picture is missing.
[Animesh] The plan is published and socialized check out how it was done for 4.3

I think with 4.3 multiple RCs, 4.4 got rushed in and we did not see the plan 
and the feature freeze came in. Daan/Hugo are yet to setup the plan for 4.4

> I think the RM should facilitate planning of the release and in the process
> take feedback from the committers and users who are going to work on the
> release.
> A single view of the current release status also would help immensely.
> I like the way brackets.io does the release management through trello
> boards[1]. Probably we could explore such options. It facilities voting on
> features, gives a quick view of whats getting in the release which would help
> QA/anyone interested in testing to plan the testing early on instead of
> waiting for RC.
> I am for for short release cycles. "Release early, release often"
> It shows project activity and builds developer confidence as long as we do
> quality releases :)
> [1] https://trello.com/b/LCDud1Nd/brackets
> ~Rajani
> On 17-Mar-2014, at 10:22 pm, John Kinsella <j...@stratosec.co> wrote:
> > I am in agreement with my radical CloudStack brother.
> >
> >
> > On Mar 13, 2014, at 9:42 AM, David Nalley <da...@gnsa.us> wrote:
> >
> >> The RC7 vote thread contained a lot of discussion around release
> >> cadence, and I figured I'd move that to a thread that has a better
> >> subject so there is better visibility to list participants who don't
> >> read every thread.
> >>
> >> When I look at things schedule wise, I see our aims and our reality.
> >> We have a relatively short development window (in the schedule) and
> >> we have almost 50% of our time in the schedule allocated to testing.
> >> (over two months). However, it seems that a lot of testing - or at
> >> least a lot of testing for  what became blockers to the release
> >> didn't appear to happen until RCs were kicked out - and that's where
> >> our schedule has fallen apart for multiple releases. The automated
> >> tests we have were clean when we issued RCs, so we clearly don't have
> >> the depth needed from an automated standpoint.
> >>
> >> Two problems, one cultural and one technical. The technical problem
> >> is that our automated test suite isn't deep enough to give us a high
> >> level of confidence that we should release. The cultural problem is
> >> that many of us wait until the release period of the schedule to test.
> >>
> >> What does that have to do with release cadence? Well inherently not
> >> much; but let me describe my concerns. As a project; the schedule is
> >> meaningless if we don't follow it; and effectively the release date
> >> is held hostage. Personally, I do want as few bugs as possible, but
> >> it's a balancing act where people doubt our ability if we aren't able
> >> to ship. I don't think it matters if we move to 6 month cycles, if
> >> this behavior continues, we'd miss the 6 month date as well and push
> >> to 8 or 9 months. See my radical proposition at the bottom for an
> >> idea on dealing with this.
> >>
> >> I also find myself agreeing with Daan on the additional complexity.
> >> Increasing the window for release inherently increases the window for
> >> feature development. As soon as we branch a release, master is open
> >> for feature development again. This means a potential for greater
> >> change at each release. Change is a risk to quality; or at least an
> >> unknown that we again have to test. The greater that quantity of
> >> change, the greater the potential threat to quality.
> >>
> >> Radical proposition:
> >>
> >> Because we have two problems, of different nature, we are in a
> >> difficult situation. This is a possible solution, and I'd appreciate
> >> you reading and considering it.  Feedback is welcome. I propose that
> >> after we enter the RC stage that we not entertain any bugs as
> >> blockers that don't have automated test cases associated with them.
> >> This means that you are still welcome to do manual testing of your
> >> pet feature and the things that are important to you; during the
> >> testing window (or anytime really). However, if the automation suite
> >> isn't also failing then we consider the release as high enough quality to
> ship.
> >> This isn't something we can codify, but the PMC can certainly adopt
> >> this attitude as a group when voting. Which also means that we can
> >> deviate from it. If you brought up a blocker for release - we should
> >> be immediately looking at how we can write a test for that behavior.
> >> This should also mean several other behaviors need to become a valid
> >> part of our process. We need to ensure that things are well tested
> >> before allowing a merge. This means we need a known state of master,
> >> and we need to perform testing that allows us to confirm that a patch
> >> does no harm. We also need to insist on implementation of
> >> comprehensive tests for every inbound feature.
> >>
> >> Thoughts, comments, flames, death threats? :)
> >>
> >> --David
> >

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