Hi Wido,

On Thu, Mar 20, 2014 at 3:58 AM, Wido den Hollander <w...@widodh.nl> wrote:

> On 03/18/2014 02:06 PM, Rohit Yadav wrote:
>> Cool idea, we can also have a monkey-brag ACS plugin which gives users an
>> API which can be triggered via cloudmonkey cli tool or by some gui/button
>> on the frontend to submit stats anonymously to our servers.
> So I was thinking of writing 'cloudstack-report' as a tool.
> The Debian and RPM packages can install a CRON which runs weekly/monthly
> to invoke the tool and reports to our service.
> Via a config in /etc/cloudstack/report people can configure the tool. They
> could add their company/organization if they want or leave it set to
> anonymous.
> The tool could do a PUT with some JSON data to 'report.cloudstack.org'
> which runs ElasticSearch where we then store all the data.

+1 Good idea, elasticsearch is great for slicing and dicing of data!

As Marcus suggests there could be a lot of CloudStack installations which
may not be public, so we should leave the right to the users/admin to let
us inform the report via an API or when the "cloudstack-report" is
installed it asks whether the admin wants to report anonymous installation

Chip recently shared that the largest installation of CloudStack consisted
on 40k hosts, for such an installation how many ACS servers were running
(in cluster) and what was the size of the MySQL database. Such information
can help us to prioritize ACS-future tasks such as rewriting/fixing the
ORM, consensus between management servers, splitting of ACS services (as
api service, orchestrator, cloud-engine etc.). Having a reporting tool
which could tell us such information would help in driving features and


> Easy to analyze and run statistics on.
> I would like to have a opt-out since as a project member I want as much
> feedback about how CloudStack is being used, but as a user I want a opt-in.
> So I think I'll start on the code itself to gather the data and later on
> we can discuss how we are going to do this.
> In the end we need more feedback about the usage of CloudStack so we know
> what our users need.
> Wido
>  Cheers.
>> On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 4:45 PM, Wido den Hollander <w...@widodh.nl>
>> wrote:
>>  On 03/18/2014 12:07 PM, Marcus wrote:
>>>  Do we have any general stats on how cloudstack is being used? Common
>>>> deployment sizes, largest deployments, etc? I'm curious as to how far
>>>> people have actually scaled it in real deployments, although I realize
>>>> that
>>>> the info can be proprietary.
>>>>  Recently at the Ceph project the tool "ceph-brag" was developed. It
>>> gathers information about your Ceph deployment and sends back the
>>> information to the project.
>>> Something like this might be nice (opt-in!!) for CloudStack. It can
>>> anonymously report things like:
>>> - Number of Instances
>>> - Number of pods, cluster, hosts
>>> - Number of Primary Storage and their type
>>> - Basic / Advanced Networking
>>> This could all be written into one JSON file which we can submit back to
>>> the project.
>>> With this we would get more information about how CloudStack is used.
>>> Obviously, the code will be Open Source so people can see how we gather
>>> the information (probably a lot of SQL selects..) and how we submit it to
>>> our servers.
>>> Is that something what you would like?
>>> Wido

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