Maybe the console? I haven't used that in forever, does it do SSL?

On Wed, Apr 9, 2014 at 10:31 AM, Nux! <> wrote:
> On 09.04.2014 17:21, Marcus wrote:
>> Should just pull in the latest and work, if we're talking about
>> building a fresh system vm.
>> Do we even have any services running in the system vm that require an
>> update?  We don't do SSL termination with haproxy for load balancers
>> (yet), and I don't think that the apache web stuff for
>> userdata/passwords is ssl, is it? From what I've seen, SSH doesn't
>> even use the OpenSSL libs... I'm trying to think of a service that
>> would be affected. We definitely want to push the latest, but I'm just
>> wondering what actual urgency there should be for users to update
>> their system vms.
> Yes, that is actually a good point. I thought by the panic of the devs that
> there is obviously stuff running there that is exposed to the interwebs.
> It'd be nice if there wasn't any. :)
> Lucian
> --
> Sent from the Delta quadrant using Borg technology!
> Nux!

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