
In working IAM feature, we realized that we have very inconsistent
interpretations on the same parameters (i.e. listAll, isRecursive,
account, domainId, etc) in different list and operational APIs, which
render granting almost impossible without breaking some backward
compatibility. We really need to start thinking about new APIs.


On 5/2/14 11:22 AM, "Daan Hoogland" <daan.hoogl...@gmail.com> wrote:

>There are several features in the API that different people want to
>1 the calls that use sensitive data using a http-get. When security is
>needed this hurts and should be disabled (being by configuration or
>2 list* API calls interpret the name parameter in a non-consistent
>way. some use "name = <name>" others use "name like '%<name>%'"
>3 the way maps and lists are passed is not standard and has different
>these are just the examples from the top of my head. There are bound
>to be others. It seems to me it is time to start work on a definition
>of how the 5.0 API should look.
>any takers?

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