basic networking fails slightly differntly:

daan:~/cloudstack-4.4/cloudstack (4.4)> python
tools/marvin/marvin/ -i tools/devcloud/devcloud.cfg
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "tools/marvin/marvin/", line 579, in <module>
  File "tools/marvin/marvin/", line 563, in deploy
  File "tools/marvin/marvin/", line 425, in createZones
    self.createPods(zone.pods, zoneId, networkid)
  File "tools/marvin/marvin/", line 142, in createPods
  File "tools/marvin/marvin/", line 87, in createClusters
  File "tools/marvin/marvin/", line 53, in addHosts
line 1535, in addHost
    response = self.connection.marvinRequest(command,
response_type=response, method=method)
line 272, in marvinRequest
    response = jsonHelper.getResultObj(response.json(), response_type)
line 148, in getResultObj
    raise cloudstackException.cloudstackAPIException(respname, errMsg)
cloudstackException.cloudstackAPIException: Execute cmd: addhost
failed, due to: errorCode: 530, errorText:Cannot transit agent status
with event AgentDisconnected for host 1, mangement server id is
4278190080,Unable to transition to a new state from Creating via

seems like I failed to do some config on the devcloud host. Anything?
I followed
but in some cases it wasn't clear to me if I should execute something
in the devcloud or on my laptop.

On Wed, May 7, 2014 at 9:32 PM, Daan Hoogland <> wrote:
> I am setting up a test env on my laptop using devcloud2 v4.3. I am
> running the ms v4.4 in eclipse and the db on my laptop. I get the
> following error:
> daan:~/cloudstack-4.4/cloudstack (4.4)> python
> tools/marvin/marvin/ -i
> tools/devcloud/devcloud-advanced.cfg
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "tools/marvin/marvin/", line 579, in <module>
>     deploy.deploy()
>   File "tools/marvin/marvin/", line 561, in deploy
>     self.loadCfg()
>   File "tools/marvin/marvin/", line 523, in loadCfg
>     mgtDetails.apiKey, mgtDetails.securityKey = self.registerApiKey()
>   File "tools/marvin/marvin/", line 492, in registerApiKey
>     listuserRes = self.testClient.getApiClient().listUsers(listuser)
>   File 
> "/Users/daan/cloudstack-4.4/cloudstack/tools/marvin/marvin/cloudstackAPI/",
> line 600, in listUsers
>     response = self.connection.marvinRequest(command,
> response_type=response, method=method)
>   File 
> "/Users/daan/cloudstack-4.4/cloudstack/tools/marvin/marvin/",
> line 266, in marvinRequest
>     method=method)
>   File 
> "/Users/daan/cloudstack-4.4/cloudstack/tools/marvin/marvin/",
> line 196, in request
>     raise c
> requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
> HTTPConnectionPool(host='', port=8096): Max retries
> exceeded with url:
> /client/api?account=admin&command=listUsers&response=json (Caused by
> <class 'socket.error'>: [Errno 61] Connection refused)
> telnet port 8091 locally on my laptop works and from the devcloud to
> my laptop as well but the port is not opened on the dev. So it makes
> sense that the connection is refused. Not that it is opened. I set the
> 'host' config item to the virtualbox gateway address,
> That didn't help. I don't see what config I should change.
> What should I change? Where didn't I look?
> --
> Daan


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