On 07/22/2014 09:53 PM, Logan Barfield wrote:
I was testing on a recent 4.4 build today and noticed that volume resizing
for RBD volumes is not working as intended.

In LibvirtComputingResource.java the 'getResizeScriptType()' function
doesn't have logic for type = RBD and format = RAW or QCOW2, so it returns
'null' and the resize operation fails.

In CLOUDSTACK-6181 there was some discussion regarding RBD support, and it
was signed off on by Wido (who appears to be the only contributor actively
supporting Ceph in CloudStack).  Was the mentioned functionality just never
implemented, or am I overlooking something?

So it seems you are right. I can't remember anymore why I signed it off (probably because it worked locally), but what you are saying is true.

RBD are block devices which do not exist in kernel space, so a script can never check if the volume exists.

The fix is rather simple, since libvirt can resize the volume it's just a matter of a few if-statements in LibvirtComputing resouce, I'll get right to that, but it will never make it into 4.4. Hopefully 4.4.1


Thank You,

Logan Barfield
Tranquil Hosting

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