As noted in your PR, please don't merge this immediately into master.
We're in feature freeze, and master is currently 4.5



On Fri, Oct 3, 2014 at 7:22 AM, Daan Hoogland <> wrote:
> H,
> I just pushed a huge branch with work that my colleagues did [1]. It is
> prerequisite to adding redundancy to vpc routers. please take it into
> account when doing anything with virtual router functionality as it
> addresses a lot of the way we work with configuring those. Merging will
> have to wait of course but for any related work I'd advice to use it as
> starting point to be joined in the merge later on.
> It will be followed first by refactorings in the virtual routing resource
> and the actual on board router scripts and next by the code to add
> redundancy to the vpc version of the router.
> thanks,
> [1]
> --
> Daan

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